83: Spelling Bee

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Kaminari: You know what was a disaster? The day they started the Spelling Bee. Up until that day, I was a moron, but no one else knew.

Hikari: Kids, up against the wall. It's time for public humiliation! Stand up, spell a word, sit down in front of your friends!

Kaminari: I wasn't even close. I was using numbers and stuff!

Kaminari: Ya know, there's that one kid who I admired. He'd be like-

Bakugou: I'm too smart for these idiots!

Hikari: Spell CAT.

Bakugou: Cat. K-A-T. I'm outta here!

Kaminari: Then as he walked by,- *nudging Jiro* I know there's 2 t's!

Hikari: Kaminari, what's the I before E rule?

Kaminari: Um, ...
I before E.... always.

Hikari: No Kami, no. It's I before E, except after C. And in sounding like A, as in neighbor and weigh. And weekends, and holidays, and all throughout May. And you'll always be wrong no matter what you say!!

Kaminari: That's a hard rule. That's a rough rule.

Kaminari: Plurals were hard too.

Hikari: Kaminari, how do you make a word a plural?

Kaminari: You put a s. You put a s at the end of it.

Hikari: When?


Hikari: Kami, no.

Kaminari: So, she asked this smart kid, Iida.

Hikari: Iida, what's the plural of ox?

Iida: Oxen. The farmer used his oxen.

Hikari: Good, Iida. Kaminari, what's the plural of box?

Kaminari: Boxen. I bought 2 boxen of doughnuts.

Hikari: No, Kami, no. Are you an idiot?

Kaminari: Well, apparently!

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