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Moon Butterfly held a little baby with white and yellow streaked hair in her arms. The little baby had dark blue moons as her cheek marks. Her skin was pale.

"River... We can't keep her. It has been foretold that a baby with dark blue moon cheek marks' life will be endangered during a battle that will happen in Mewni. We need to keep her safe, River," Moon said with tears in her eyes to her husband.

The queen couldn't bring herself to give away her daughter to somewhere else but she knew that she had to do it. River placed a hand comfortingly on her right shoulder.

"I know what we have to do, dear. Before that, can we please name her and her sister?" River said. He too had tears streaming down his cheeks. He loved both his daughters but even then he knew that the only way to keep her safe was to give her away.

"Night. Her name will be Night Butterfly for she was born on such a beautiful night," Moon stated as she stared at her older by 3 minutes with teary eyes. Just then, in cursive black smoke wording the name appeared above the little baby sealing that Night Butterfly was her name.

"How about this little one, dear?" River asked indicating to the baby that was in his arms. The little baby girl in his arms had yellow hair and fair skin. She had hear pink heart cheek marks.

"Star. Her name will be Star Butterfly for on this beautiful night up there in the sky I can see a beautiful shining star," Moon stated. Big puff of pink smoke appeared above of the little yellow haired baby spelling into her name, sealing that her name was Star Butterfly.

"I can't bear to give her away, dear," River said to his wife as she swapped the babies. River gave Star to her whilst she gave Night to him.

"You need to do this. To keep her safe. For her sake, River. She would die in the future if we don't send her away," Moon said in a sad voice to River. You could easily see that she was heartbroken to send away her older daughter.

Moon placed a hand onto Night's forehead and muttered a small protection spell onto her daughter. "She'll be safe, River. Trust me," Moon assured her husband.

"Where must I send her to?" River asked.

"Starlight Kingdom. Send her there. Queen Acacia Starlight knows that you will arrive there with Night. She was the one to offer herself to take care of Night as a royal even though Night wasn't her own. Go now, River. Do it before dawn breaks," Moon answered River.

River nodded his head vigorously before using his dimensional scissors to cut a portal towards Starlight Kingdom. He walked through the portal and quickly rain towards the throne room of the castle to meet with Queen Acacia Starlight and King James Starlight.

"Acacia! James!" River shouted as soon as he saw the king and queen of Starlight Kingdom. The king and queen quickly ran towards River.

"Take her and take good care of her. Please I'm counting on the two of you to take care of her," River said quickly the he handed Night over to the Acacia and James.

The contracts was immediately sealed as soon as Night was handed over to Acacia Starlight and in her arms, a seal of smoke with the logo of Mewni appeared in a puff of gold smoke and dissipated right after.

"Goodbye, Night," River said to his daughter before cutting open another portal back in his shared room with his wife.

"I've done it, Moon," River said with tears in his eyes. He couldn't take it. Moon immediately burst into tears along with her husband.

That night, the couple cried and cried as they missed their older daughter even though they had only spent mere minutes with her.

It was foretold that the contract lasts until Night turns 17 years old which means as soon as Night's 17th birthday arrives the contract will be broken.

It was also foretold that once the contract was broken Night Butterfly shall return home to her parents and her younger twin sister by 3 minutes, Star Butterfly.

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