... and I deserve this Hell that my life is.

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There's gonna be violence in this Chapter and a bit of Juicy Exchanges(slightly LEMON !!)
[*] definition before the next part

[Naib's Diary]


08:23 a.m.
Today we start to play again. I hope it won't be too difficult for me. My injury is better but it still hurts if I force myself too much. At least I have my elbow pads if I can't run properly. I'll play the second game of the day with Vera, Kurt and Emily.

7:53 p.m.
Forget it. It was awful. I played twice. And twice, I was sent back to the Manor right at the beginning of the game.

Jack came to see me after the matches. He told me he would come back. I hope he doesn't.



11:32 a.m.
It's the fourth time that I met Jack since I started to play again. He's as merciless as usual, but he comes time to time to greet me, he still asks me questions. This is annoying.

We hanged out in the town with William, Aesop, Eli and Tracy. We founded a nice restaurant with a rose garden in the back. Jack would like it.



5:03 p.m.
Jack won't stop ask me questions. He's being pushy. Why does he want to know?

I'm more and more aware of his presence. I need to put a distance between us.



9:34 p.m.
Jack came to visit me again. He sent me a bouquet of rose. I never took care of a plant before, I guess I can give it a try.


2:36 p.m.
The roses are shiny. I hope they will live long enough.



9:45 p.m.
Perhaps I could tell him... He's being really nice to me... I believe he really wants to help me...


7:34 a.m.
No...perhaps not. He loves me, I have no doubt about it. But...what about me..?

2:11 p.m.
No way, it can't be like this! I'm feeling uneasy recently. My chest and head throb time to time. And Jack's presence isn't helping at all!

11:23 p.m.
I must be sick. Or crazy. Both I guess.


3:01 a.m.
I can't sleep. I'm thinking of him...it's pissing me off.

5:21 a.m.
I dozed off. I saw them again.

7:23 a.m.
I caught a fever. It's starting to get colder these days. I can't seem to sleep for long, I always wake up after a while and go back to sleep few minutes after.

10:56 a.m.
I keep having these dreams.

2:12 p.m.
Will Jack come today too? If he does, I won't be able to met him anyway. I need to tell him somehow.

2:36 p.m.
Why do I care?! He doesn't even have to come in the first place!

4:48 p.m.
I'm scared.

Rotten by Fear [Identity V_ Jack x Naib]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ