Chapter 3 awakening

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Silver's pov
i did fly down too save fireoy but only too be seen on some white crystals. i was so sad to see a new friend die before me i did pick Fireoy up and did fly back up too the enterance weare everyone else was waiting for us mrs. Adrietta did scream up and pointed at me and fireoy the principical did run too me and asked what happened i explained too him what happened and he did take Fireoy away and he walked away with him...

principical's pov
i did see Fireoy's dead body on Silver's hands i did ask him what happened and he explained everything i did take Fireoy away and walk too the hospital with him after 5 minutes the doctor sayd that he will say more details in a few weeks when they gonna burrie him...

Fireoy's pov

i did wake up in some kind of bed but it was on fire i imedialy jumped up and i did see around me dead corpses i did remember that i did fall down in a big hole with crystals but when i checked on me i didint see any holes on me only on my clothes i did think too my self 'am i dead or something or did they somehow bring be back too the living world' after that someone did come in

DR.'s pov
i did go in too check the holes on fireoy because they weare unnatural i did go inside the room and did see Fireoy standing with no wounds my eyes got widen and i did nearly pass out but Fireoy did help me

Fireoy' s pov
i did catch the doctor before he did pass out and he asked me soo much things but i explained everything but then the doctor did only ask me  'you did fall on glowing crystals?'  i sayed 'yes' too him but then the doctor sayd 'when Silver found you the crystals weare colorless maybe you found some un destroyed power gems what weare the last ones and there weare some like healing power gem but you only could absorb it because your a wearewolf'
my eyes got widen and think too my self 'power gems? I FINNALY HAVE SUPER POWERS but im a wearewolf'
after the talk the doctor did let me go i headed home and he did undeny that i was dead.
(at home)
when i did get home i did knock on my house door that mum or dad can let me in but somehow Anthony my big bro did open the door and his eyes weare wide open
(anthony is on the pic btw)
(this is anthony)
Anthony's pov
i did hear that someone was knocking o nthe door and did open it and i sayd 'sorry Fireoy' s friend but fireoy isint home he is dead now' but after seeing the black hoodie i did immediately notice something while my eyes weare wide open i did see Fireoy but with no holes in him only some scars on the eye and some on his chest i did immediately hig him and get him inside too cheer up mum and dad!

fireoy's pov
my big bro did hug me and did take me too mum and dad while hugging me my mum and dad did got scared when they saw me and they asked me too explain everything i did as they sayd and after that somehow my arms got turned into rock and i got scared while my family's eyes got widen up so i needed to explain that part too with the powers

Brandon (Fireoy's dad) 's pov
i did see my sons arms tuening into rock i did got scared and fireoy explained a other story after that i told fireoy that he needs to say this ' turn normal' and he did so as his arms turned back too normal

Fireoy's pov
my dad told me too say 'turn normal' and i did say so my hands turned back too normal but after that i was tired so i did go in my room back too sleep tomorrow is a day of school again so i need to get my periods and my locker number and code...

(thank you for reading untill this part iff you wanna be in the story then write me and say your name, picture, power, and your information i will be happy too add can even ask me stuff because i could do a Q&A or a answering questions chapter too. i will publish every chapter instantly when im done with it but i wont make 2 chapters in 1 day but i did write down chapter 2 and chapter 3 in the same time so stay tuned for more chapters and dont forget too follow me.

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