chapter 8 old lover

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i did wake up like always and did rush in the bathroom that i can shower quick i did let the warm water soak into my fur i did add shampoo too it that i dont smell bad after i get out i did look at my phone and saw a message i did look at it and saw it that it was from my Babe and this was written in it: 'stay good today because i got a little surprise for you and i think your gonna love the surprise but i need to ask you something later' i then blushed hard and needed to hide it because i dont wanna go to school with a blush on my face... after i did get my school stuff i did go down stairs and eat my cereal when i looked around i saw nobody 'looks like they still sleeping' i did think after breakefast i rushed out to head to school but i got stopped by Silver and Red i did wait for them that they can catch up after they did stand beside me i told them the news that my babe did write to me and Red just asked me 'wait you have a babe? who is the lovely gurl?' i did blush a little and told them 'well my babe isint a girl you see im BI and i had his heart since years in my posission so yh but he will have a surprise for me' i just blushed more and did think of him then we arrived at school and we all wanted to go in the front door in but somehow i started to fly and got scared

Red's pov
we did reach the front door of the school when we saw that Fireoy was flying away we imediently tryed to act i mean like i did ask him how the hell can he fly and Silver tryes to save him but then we saw a Teal wolf on the roof and he shouts 'BABE YOUR HERE' i did then think '' wait this is Fireoy' s boyfriend? ''

Tate's pov (flashback)
so im a Teal wolf with no markings just all teal and with purple eyes with glasses and nerdy kind as well here i am at my new school i did not want to ruin the present for Fireoy i have and the present is anyways me that i did move here too my grand parents because my family didint want me because they found out im gay and my grand parents accept me that too but still who cares about family? Im anyways in a better mood iff i dont get bullyd by my family and wont anymore in my life and seeing Fireoy he just is the perfect present for me i could have in my life i hope i see him soon wait omg i see him comming close too the school i need to hide before he sees me i wanna surprise him with my powers anyways and just wanna have fun with him i use my psychic powers to make him levitate off the ground i just dont wanna hurt him i know that he dosent have any powers oh and i now hear they are here at the door time to let Fireoy fly away 'uses psychic powers to lift off Fireoy'
hmmm.... looks like i scared a other wolf, dog, fox mix and a tiger looks like i need to get out from the shadows as i walk to the edge of the roof and nearly see Fireoy who even dosent notice me but the other 2 fur s noticed me already and when babe is got up i hug him and shout 'BABE YOUR HERE' as i hugged him and kissed him
(end of flashback)

Fireoy's pov
i got hugged by babe and hugged him back while he was kissing me but i did feel i was slowly falling down so i did do a earth platform for me to stand on and i saw Tate did got a little bit scared and asked me 'babe since when you have powers like us?' i then explained to him everything while getting down with him and going too class but i needed to tell him that this needs to be our secret in school because i dont want that other furs calling us fags and others when we arent fags. We got in class the teacher did introduce the class Tate and he did sit down beside me as he sayd 'looks like there are 3 seated benches since it got renovated and dont ask i did hear in the news of what happened in school and im happy your alright' i blushed a little while the teacher told us to go too the arena because we needed to train our powers a little bit (after 5 minutes we got too the arena)

Tate's pov
we all did go in a arena and i did already say in my mind 'wow thats a big arena i didint had that big in my old school' and since i know whats gonna happen i did sit down on a bench beside Fireoy and did watch up there the scoreboard that it can show us who will fight with who and i did saw this sign

Fireoy VS Anthony
Shadow VS Tate

i did say for my Fireoy 'good luck' he just winks on me and then a dragon did fly past me and told Fireoy 'good luck bro and dont go easy on me because your gonna loose anyways' i did look angry at Anthony but then did think 'oh yh he has a brother forgot that and even forgot that his brother isint a wolf'

Fireoy's pov
i did go on the arena battle field with Anthony and my eyes turned blue like the ocean as Anthony did rush too me with his Fire axe (the left one on the picture) i did dodge it easy and summoned my water sword and tryed to shoot at him water balls but he just turns them too dust with easy i did only think 'what can his weakness be..' i did rush on him and i did swing my water sword multiple times that some water rays did fly too him to hit him but he dodged some of it and some did hit him a little bit but i did see he cant focus on me so i did take the chance and did swing my sword over his axe what made my big bro fall down behind and eventually i did stand on him with my sword pointing at his face and we got healed back that means i won i helped my big bro while he just got jealous about me that im better than him and we did go too take our little breake i did show the school for Tate in the breake

Lucier's pov
'Master do we have a vilian who can clone himself?' Lucier asked as Master did nod his head and sayd 'we have one but hes already heading too them to fight against them so be ready to se a fight of victory and we can take Silver and Fireoy to get their powers for me and i can finnaly RULE THE EARTH but still i wont do portals now because it costs me so much energy and your smaller than the wearewolfes and they would kill me so thats why im not teleporting them and wait looks like Fireoy has a boyfriend what a Faggot' Lucier and master started to laugh while watching true the portal and seeing that Dirk has arrived too defeat the school with his long sword

Fireoy's pov

i did show Tate the school and we headed back to see the fight against Tate and Shadow they both did go on the arena and started fighting

Tate's pov
i did get in my fight position while Fireoy made some earth bricks for me that i asked him to do that i can throw them at Shadow i did use my psychic powers to summon my Psychic umbrella for defensive tactics too (the right one on the picture)
i did throw the rocks at shadow with my powers but i didint know weare Shadow was i only saw his weapon lying on the floor as i did feel a breathe in my back i did turn around and use my umbrella for defense and as i knew shadow did hit the umbrella but it didint rip at all so its a good defensive but in the middle of the fight the glass did breake above us and someone did fall down everyone did tryed to run outside exept for me, Shadow, Fireoy, Red, Summer and Silver because there weare clones in the way and the vilian did attack us with his long sword but only to hit Shadow as he did faint i did hit him with my umbrella much times and i did see i did do damage on him and i stabbed true his heart but it just turned into dust and healed Shadow with my regeneration power but he did still lye on the floor because i can only heal the wounds

Fireoy's pov
i did see that Tate did kill that person but it only turned into dust then i did think and shout out 'GUYS WATCH OUT THAT WAS ONLY A CLONE AND DONT LET YOUR DEFENSE OFF' as i sayd that some more clones did come in the building and weare ready to fight with us but we didint know who was the real enemy so all we could do is too attack every enemy

Red's pov
i got attacked by 2 clones and i did shock them but nothing happened then i used my blades too kill them both and noticed iff my powers dosent work on clones then maybe on the real one it works i did use my power and yell 'THUNDER SHOCK'

Tate's pov

i did fight agains a clone when Red yelled 'THUNDER SHOCK' and then Fireoy yelled for everyone 'EVERYONE GET DOWN BEFORE THE THUNDER GETS YOU' as he sayd everyone did exept the clones and me because i got attacked by a clone and all i did feel is pain as i got schocked and Fireoy only yelled too me 'BABE PLEASE DONT' he got up and he got shocked too but he didint faint that badly as he did shoot a water ball on the clone to make it go away i did fall down but Fireoy got more electrocuted by his water power and he fainted all i could think is that Fireoy is dead its over now i did faint in a cry and yelled 'BABE DONT GO AWAY PLEASE I CANT LIVE WICHOUT YOU PLEASE' as i saw there was the villian still shocked i just did burst in tears and attacked him hitting true with my umbrella his hand because i missed but he still did run away as i did faint too and all blacked out the last thing i remembered was i saw Babe lying on the floor smiling to me...
Fireoy: sorry for the long wait of the part i had a lot of work and i hope that this part was good i needed to make it in 2 parts in my scratch but who cares so next chapter will be out soon i think idk how my mood will be at the time so bye pups

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