chapter 7 new students

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i did wake up in the hospital bed only noticing that i did heal back and i was readdy for school after 5 minutes the DR did come in and sayd 'you guys can go now to school' i did then jump up got dressed and waken up the others as they dressed up too and we all did head to school...

(at school)
15 minutes we did walk too the school only to be seen a modern school we did all stare it and think that 'how did it became so modern?' we did head inside and too our classroom and its was so nice looking exept that we are lesser with 2 persons
and then MRS. Adrietta did come in and sayd 'hello kids we have 2 new students come in please'
after our teacher sayd that a tiger and a bird did come in

 Adrietta did come in and sayd 'hello kids we have 2 new students come in please'after our teacher sayd that a tiger and a bird did come in

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(after the bird did introduce her self then the tiger did)
Red's pov
'hello my name is Lightor Tigra but i use Red or Light as my name and my super power is red lightning and my weapon is double wielding sword ' i then made the swords appear (the weapons are on the picture on too) after i did introduce myself i did sit down behind a white wolf and beside Summer

Fireoy' s pov
i did turn around and sayd 'hi' to them and they did say hi back and asked me about what happened here before 3 days i did explain and they asked 'wanna be friends?' after that i only did say 'ok'
(after 3 hours)
finnaly its lunch and i dont need to do anything only too eat i did sit down on a 7 seated bench and did wait for Silver, Red, Summer, Shadow, Brynn and Arno we all did talk about school and we started to eat after we finished we all did head too our PE class.
(after PE)
we did all change back i did go with Silver and Red home and talked about Red's life before this school and he did even say that he lives really close to me and Silver after we did get home i did say my goodbye s too them and did go back home

(sorry for this small chapter and not updating so long but i have so much work because i still have school and i get bullied so much that i cant think of something nice)

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