chapter 9

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My dragon was naked.

I'm sure I've mentioned that once or twice already but it really bares repeating. Especially as I was now essentially locked behind a closed bedroom door with a naked Lucian, one large royalty sized bed behind us, and a serious dragon scowl twisting his face with annoyance.

"You didn't have to bite my dad," I murmured at him softly, only because I was still mildly horrified and I'd been completely silent on the matter since the moment his teeth had sunk into my perv-dad's forearm, and maybe a little concerned that we would be thrown in an elf dungeon too.

A shrug lifted his giant shoulders as his scowl deepened. "He touched you, I told you already - no touching!" His voice trembled with a dragon growl.

I mean sure, he had said that, but to be fair perv-dad had only been trying to move me out of the way when I'd gotten stuck between two furious elves and one giant, blond dragon. Besides I found his growling demands more amusing than anything else."I don't think it has the same effect when you bite someone in your human form." Because it definitely wasn't as fear-inducing when a fully grown man tried to take a nibble out of your arm with slightly sharper than normal human teeth. Judging by perv-dad's face it lent more towards weird than anything terrifying.

"I drew blood!" He grumbled, looking especially affronted.

"Well, yes, but only because you shook your head back and fore like a rabid dog." Not something I wanted to see ever again.

"I will bite every elf you touch, or make those happy sounds at, or glitter at, or look at!" He yelled, smoke curling from between his lips and his voice so loud it rung my ears.

My smile threatened my lips until they twitched erratically, begging me to give in and laugh at him, but his narrow-eyed glare forced me to hide the giggles bubbling up.

I blushed as his foot stomped the floor, my eyes catching the bobbing of his penis as it stood straight out and waved at me with his sudden movement. Goddess, I really needed to find him some pants. Glitter poofed in dizzying circles as he surged forward and slammed to a stop close enough that the pointing penis was barely an inch from stabbing me in the chest. I wasn't sure whether to lean forward or back away and so I backed away because I really shouldn't be so conflicted about my dragon's man-bits.

"Not that I'm complaining, but usually you turn all 'Raaawrrr'," I mimicked his shift to dragon beast with tiny curled fingers and swiping gestures, "before the biting starts." And I never thought I'd say this but...I much preferred a bitey dragon to a bitey human Lucian, especially when it was my own father being reduced to a chew-toy. Human Lucy gnawing on my dad's arm made me really uncomfortable.

Pink highlighted the tips of his cheekbones, a full on flush that couldn't have looked more out of place on his viking form. He cleared his throat and avoided eye contact for long enough that my eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"What? Why are you being weird?" Because even as a little lizard, Lucian had never seriously avoided looking at me, he was almost stalker-ish in his obsession for staring.

He grumbled, his jaw tightening and his lips thinning to a pale slash. "I am unable to release the dragon," he grunted.

"What, like he's stuck?" Nervous glitter poofed in bright yellow clouds.

I needed that dragon. All bitey, flame throwing, muscled inch of him because without that beast I was just a tiny half-witch with stripper dust.

He nodded in affirmation and I could feel panicked breaths flood my chest. "What about little Lucy?"

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