Chapter 10

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"Cum-bubble...jizz-pants...spunk-vadge..." Serena sighed with glee, "there's just so many I don't know which one to choose. I mean he basically wrote his name in sperm all over your slutty-biker pants, I've never had so much material before and now I don't quite know what to do with it. This is way better than naked-Hayley, this is spermy-Hayley," Serena concluded with an explosion of laughter.

I huffed. "I'm glad you're having fun."

"I don't get it," Lily sighed with a wrinkled nose.

"Red," Serena shook her head in exasperation, "The blond dragon-man shot his excitement all over our little glitter-witch and now we have to make fun of her, please get with the program already."

"Lily, friends don't call each other names," I needled, while sending Serena evil eyes because there was no way she was going to pull the new witch over to the dark side with her.

Serena pulled a face like she'd swallowed a lemon. "Oh, oh, that's rich coming from you, you little demon." She pointed and glared at me while Cat loomed stalker-like behind her and sniffed at her hair.


"Well I'm just saying that people like nice people, PG, and maybe that's why you have no friends. Cynthia mentioned that she thought I should be the speaker for our new coven and she has a point; I don't think you'd last long having to talk to other witches." She'd totally set someone on fire, and when you had to be diplomatic it was best to just remove Serena from the room entirely. Plus sometimes she just needed to be reminded that she was only a few insults away from becoming her mother.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "I can talk to people, I can be nice," her nose crinkled in distaste, "I can maybe be nice. Except to Vivian," she stated adamantly, "that harpie is a massive twat and everyone thinks so."

I giggled and spat glitter all over her still wrinkled nose until it twitched uncontrollably. "At least you beat her to ascendancy."

She grinned widely. "Remind me to tell her that at every opportunity." Her gaze flicked around her room that I'd rudely barged into and then to the closed door with a frown. "Where is Spermy Mcspermerson anyway? Did you escape his wicked clutches? Is he tied to your bed and that's why he isn't attached to your arse?"

Fair question I suppose, considering my dragons general obsessive behaviour. "I sent him to find pants," I whispered, as if I'd summon the stalker-dragon just by talking about him. I didn't imagine he'd be especially happy when he realised I was not so subtly hiding from him. "I just can't concentrate while everything's just hanging out."

Serena grinned slyly. "Now you know how we all feel, Camel-toe."

I gasped. "I don't have camel-toe!"

"Pea!" An excited Grams flung open the room door on a flourish, tottering on her sky-high stilettos, looking like a glitter bomb had exploded all over her and missing one giant boob from her new set of gigantor-boobs.

"What the bloody fuck happened to you, Grams?" Serena gaped.

One hand on hip and a rather regal pose, completely at odds with her mussed hair and glittered clothing, she sniffed haughtily and pursed her lips. "I partied with the Elf, good times."

Oh Goddess. Did she do what I think she did?

"Where's your other boob?" Serena asked with an uncomfortable crinkle of her nose.

Grams looked down and sighed. "I think I might have missed a rather important ingredient. It popped mid-session, sometime between the spanking and the rather large dildo."

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