Chapter 13

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I had the best idea to write a whole bunch and then just edit it when I'd written like 10k words...not the best idea I've ever had but I at least have more chapters written they're just a bit all over the place. So, double upload and I'll get more out for xmas :)


"I can't believe you fried me." I said again with a shitload of indignation aimed at the senile witch.

"But did you die?" She replied.

I choked on my own spit. "I'm still smoking," I pointed out, shaking an arm that still steamed with an overload of electricity at her face like it would help motivate her to grovel at my feet.

She sniffed haughtily. "But...did you die though?"

I huffed, scowling at her and seriously thinking about sending a cloud of sparkles to glitter-splode her face.

She ducked suddenly, low to the ground until all I could see was her narrowed eyes, grey hair, and that goddess-awful hump-back-boob. "Someone is definitely coming, Hayley, we need to find your dragon and get you both out of here. Your father just tried to control your mind with some fairy woo woo and by your last premonition I'm betting he's not planning on letting you leave."

"Elf," I grumbled automatically, "not fairy." I tugged on the floaty silver dress that been rather blatantly laid out on the bed in the room I'd been given by perv-dad - an obviously glaring suggestion to wear it. It was pretty and whimsical and very elf-like in its styling and sorta did make me feel like a fairy. "And I can't leave yet I need to find out what he was planning." Because not only was I terribly disappointed that perv-dad had turned out to be just as unscrupulous as he appeared but I also wanted revenge with a side dish of 'don't ever fuck with the glitter witch again'. And maybe I'd even let Lucian eat him a little bit too. In a bloody kind of way...not in any other way...ew. I scrunched my face up trying to banish those sudden unwanted images from my head - totally Lucian's fault because he kept making those silly innuendos about him and other men and now I couldn't help but picture him in a man on man sexy sandwich with extra meat filling. Gah. I literally needed to bleach my brain.

"Why don't we just kill him?" Grams asked like it was the solution to every problem.

"No, Psycho-witch, we can't just kill him," I replied firmly because she'd take anything less as optional.

She pouted. "Fine! I'll be back, try not to get brainwashed while I'm gone." She rolled her eyes skyward as if in terrible sufference and scrambled off, hunching low as her boob wobbled between her shoulder blades.

Seriously. That woman needed a minder. And a gag. And maybe a leash too. One where you could just point her at mean people and let her loose for a few minutes but not too long because otherwise there might be blood and screaming and probably some sort of sexual deviancy.

"Hayley." A whip-sharp tone lashed from behind me, preceding those soft and delicate footsteps that I'd come to associate with all elves.

Shame mine were more manic and foot-slappy - though I'm pretty sure I could blame that on tall people and their inability to walk slower and my generally cute sizing. Exactly why dragons were so useful - there was rarely anything faster than a dragon.

Six tall and lithe elves approached - seemed to be a species body type - one that I quite distinctly lacked. Four females and two males, all rather striking to look at with long and fly away blonde hair that made each one seem much more angelic than their facial expressions suggested. Icy cool was a definite trait and if these elves were some of the siblings that perv-dad had mentioned then it was one more thing that was going to set me apart.

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