Chapter 1

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Fallenkit wakes up surprised as she is picked up by the scruff, interrupting her peaceful slumber.

"Hey, I was sleeping!" Fallenkit whines.

"You're going to see your father. I am your mother, so you must do as I say!" Her mother, Fawnbriar, meows coldly as she has her daughter picked up by her scruff.

"Yay! I can't wait to meet him!" Stonekit meows happily, bouncing by his mother's paws.

"Fallenkit, I will be carrying you there, since unlike your brother, you don't want to go see him. I'm not taking any of your disobedience," Fawnbriar tells her smallest kit. Fallenkit lets out a whimper and begins to wiggle, trying to get out of her mother's grasp, but it's no use.

"Follow me, Stonekit," Fawnbriar meows, her voice muffled. Fallenkit stays still as her mother carries her out of camp.

"Where are you going?" A warrior, unfamiliar to Fallenkit, asks.

"I'm going to take them to see their father," Fawnbriar responds.

"Kits shouldn't leave ca–" the warrior begins, but Fawnbriar immediately interrupts him, standing taller to tower over him. Fallenkit looks down at the warrior, who is crouched low, clearly frightened by the brown tabby queen.

"I'm taking them to see their father, whether you like it or not, kittypet," Fawnbriar growls, immediately going through the camp's exit afterward.

"Fawnbriar, you scared him!" Fallenkit whines, looking up with her big yellow eyes. "He was just trying to keep us safe!"

"Sometimes you have to scare other cats to get your way," Fawnbriar responds. "You won't get anywhere being soft. Plus, I can keep you two safe on my own while you're outside of camp," She meows.

"Fawnbriar is strong!" Stonekit cheers from behind their mother.

"Fawnbriar is mean," Fallenkit mumbles under her breath.

"What did you say about me, runt?" Fawnbriar growls as she continues to walk towards the edge of ShadowClan territory.

"Nothing!" Fallenkit responds frantically, tucking her muzzle underneath her front paw.

"Good," Fawnbriar meows. "We're almost there."

"I'm getting tired!" Stonekit complains from behind.

"It's okay, dear. Just try your best to keep up," Fawnbriar responds, slowing down her walking speed.

My mother hates me. Fallenkit can't help but think as they continue to move along their small journey.

"There he is!" Fawnbriar meows happily, beginning to dash towards an unfamiliar cream-and-white tom Fallenkit spots in the distance.

"Hey, wait for me!" Stonekit whines, dashing after his mother.

"Long time, no see," The unfamiliar cat meows, giving Fawnbriar a lick on the forehead. Fallenkit lets out a gagging noise.

"And who is this?" The unfamiliar cat asks with a purr, looking down at Fallenkit. Fawnbriar then finally puts Fallenkit down on the soft ground.

"This is Fallenkit, our daughter," Fawnbriar meows with a purr. She then turns her head to
spot Stonekit, who is out of breath behind her. "And that's Stonekit, our son," she meows.

"They're beautiful," The cat meows. "I knew we would have great kits."

"Stonekit, Fallenkit, this is your father, Venom," Fawnbriar meows, looking over at her kits as Stonekit pads over to his sister.

"Hi!" Stonekit meows, looking up at his father in awe.

"H-hi.." Fallenkit then meows, feeling a bit frightened by the large tom.

"It's nice to meet you," Venom purrs. "You two
will be great ShadowClan warriors, just make sure to come visit me every once in a while, okay?" He meows.

"Okay!" Stonekit responds, but Fallenkit stays silent.

There's no way I'm going to meet up with him of all cats. I'm fine with the ShadowClan cats. Well, all of them except my mother. Fallenkit thinks.

"I think this is all we have time for, the kits should sleep soon," Fawnbriar meows, picking up Fallenkit by the scruff yet again, which makes her whine.

"Alright, see all of you some other time," Venom meows back with a purr. He touches noses with Fawnbriar. "Stay safe, love," he meows.

"I will, you don't have to worry about me," Fawnbriar meows. Then, the cats go their separate ways. Fawnbriar begins to slowly walk back to camp, with Fallenkit in her jaws and Stonekit by her tail.

"I don't want to see him ever again," Fallenkit whines yet again.

"Stop being so whiny," Stonekit meows. "Warriors aren't whiny!"

"Your brother is right," Fawnbriar meows with a muffled voice. "You need to grow up a little, you're four moons old now."

Fallenkit lets out a sigh as she looks down at the leaf-covered ground as they head back to camp.

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