Chapter 8

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I need to find them! Fallenpaw thinks as she runs through ShadowClan territory, staying alert for any signs of her mother or brother. The cream tabby skids to a halt at the sight of something on the ground. Right beside the base of a tree sits a small brown tuft of fur. She gives the tuft of fur a quick sniff, immediately recognizing its scent since it must've recently fallen off of the original pelt.

Fawnbriar! Fallenpaw thinks, immediately recognizing her mother's scent. She's been here!

A worried Fallenpaw then continues to dash off, hoping to find any other signs of her family. Then, right as she leaves ShadowClan territory into an area unclaimed by any Clan, she spots some strange cats she hasn't seen before. It seems to Fallenpaw that there are about six of them standing there, clearly engaging in a conversation.

Those must be the rogues Plumnose told me about! Fallenpaw thinks, silently observing the group of strange cats from afar. She slowly sneaks closer, wanting to listen to their conversation.

"The plan is going smoothly so far, Topaz," one cat, a brown-and-white tom, meows. "I think we successfully have ShadowClan very distracted and on high alert now."

"That's good to hear, Bruce," A golden-brown she-cat responds. "Just as I ordered from you, I am proud of you for leading such a difficult task."

"It's no problem, Topaz," Bruce responds, bowing his head to the she-cat. Then, Fallenpaw's heart stops as a very familiar cat approaches the scene.

"How'd it go?" Venom asks Bruce and the four other cats.

"Very well," Bruce responds. "ShadowClan seems to be in a panic, sir."

"Great job," Venom responds happily.

My father is a part of this rogue group! Fallenpaw thinks as she continues to spy on the rogues.

"We should be able to move onto RiverClan tomorrow then," Topaz meows. "One down, four more to go," she purrs pleasingly. "Now, let's head back to camp."

Fallenpaw continues to watch as the seven rogues begin to walk off. She decides to sneak behind them, using trees, bushes, and shrubs as cover in case if any of the rogues looks behind them. Eventually, she reaches what looks oddly familiar to a Clan's camp, with dens the cats made and everything. Then, Fallenpaw's eyes light up in joy and relief as she spots Stonepaw. However, Stonepaw does not look happy and is in a very tough predicament. The young brown tom is trying not to wail out in pain as a large gray tom is standing right on his tail.

"You're not going anywhere!" Fallenpaw could then hear the large tom yowl.

"What are you doing to my son?!" Fallenpaw could then hear Venom yowl at the tom. She sneaks closer, wanting to hear more. "Remember, I only let all of you capture my son because you promised to keep him safe."

"He was trying to escape!" The massive gray tom responds. "So, I am standing on his tail to keep him from doing so."

"Maybe try a less painful way of keeping him from escaping?" Venom responds, clearly annoyed by the larger tom.

"Sorry Venom," The tom then responds and looks down at Stonepaw. "I will let you go, but promise you won't try to escape again, okay, little tom?"

"Okay... I promise," Stonepaw responds painfully. He then lets out a sigh of relief as the large rogue gets off of his tail. Stonepaw then takes a bolt for it, dashing off.

"Kill him!" Topaz quickly orders. Fallenpaw watches in fear as every rogue except Venom begins to chase after her brother. But, Stonepaw doesn't make it far until he is tackled to the ground by a slim and swift tom. The other cats then go at him. Fallenpaw watches in completely horror as the rogues kill her brother right in front of her while their father just stands there, frozen and speechless.

"Venom," Topaz then meows from the boulder she sits on. "I'm sorry to break this to you but you might be too soft for BoneClan. You are a young, strong, and handsome tom. I expected so much from you as my son, but you're way too soft-hearted. Ever since you met that ShadowClan she-cat, you've been more sensitive than ever. You were once one of my best cats, what ever happened to you?"

"The truth happened to me, Topaz," Venom responds. "I won't be able to forgive you for ordering them to kill my son."

"No, the truth is finally happening to you right now. Life isn't all about sunshine and daisies, and it's about time you finally learned that," Topaz meows. "You are now demoted to the lowest rank in the Clan."

Fallenpaw, overemotional and panicked, quickly dashes off back toward ShadowClan's camp.

I need to find help, now! We need to stop these rogues! Fallenpaw thinks. Not long after Fallenpaw returns to ShadowClan territory, she runs into the rescue patrol.

"Fallenpaw?! What are you doing out here?" Ivyleaf, the Clan deputy, quickly meows at the sight of her.

"Listen, it's an emergency!" Fallenpaw meows frantically. "The rogues!"

"...And what about them?" Thornpelt is quick to ask.

"They've created their own Clan called BoneClan and they murdered Stonepaw! I didn't see her, but Fawnbriar might be there and she could be in a lot of danger too!" Fallenpaw explains.

"Fallenpaw, come back to camp with us, we need to tell Daisystar about this as soon as possible," Ivyleaf meows. Fallenpaw gives the patrol a quick nod and the cats hurry on back to camp.

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