Chapter 3

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After a few seconds Lincoln notices Lily was slowly walking towards him. Rita and Lynn Sr tell her to say away from Lincoln but she doesn't listen. 

Lily: A-a-are you my big brother?

Lincoln (crouches down and smiles): Yes I am, i'm your big brother Lincoln Loud.

Lily runs towards Lincoln and tackle hugs Lincoln which surprises him but quickly returns the hug. Rita and Lynn Sr are furious that one of their daughters is hugging Lincoln.

Rita (angry): Get away from my daughter you lousy bad luck.

Lynn Sr: Yea, your not welcome here.

Lincoln (sighs): I see you two haven't learn anything during these past ten years.

Albert: Rita, Lynn that no way to speak to your son.

Rita: Dad he not my son.

Lynn Sr: He stop being our son when he became bad luck.

Lincoln: No I believe it started with miss superstition over there.

Lincoln points a thumb towards Lynn, who lowers her head in shame.

Lincoln: Also if I was truly bad luck, I would have been bad luck on the day I was born, not eleven years later. 

Rita and Lynn Sr don't believe Lincoln. Lincoln then notices Lori is on her phone either sending a email or texting someone but Lincoln didn't care.

After a few awkward moments Lincoln takes out his phone. His phone was the latest and most popular phone on the market. His phone was the Stark XS Max. When the Loud sisters saw his phone they gasped as the phone was the most expensive phone on the market.

(A/N: Lincoln phone is the IPhone XS Max of this story.)

Lori: Lincoln where did you get that phone?

Luna: Yeah dude that phone is the most expensive phone on the market.

Lincoln (in a non-caring tone): I got it when I graduated college last week.

Lisa (curious): What did you majored in?

Lincoln: Business management.

Lincoln begins to typing something on his phone.

Lily (curious): Hey Lincoln what are you typing?

Lincoln (smiles): I'm just sending a email to a coworker.

In reality Lincoln was sending a email to Nick Fury to activate Rita and Lynn Sr arrest warrants as both of them haven't learned anything and meet him at the New York airport and texting Tony and Pepper by telling them he going to be home a little bit later and that he is bringing "guests" with him.

Lincoln (smiles): Pop-Pop, Lily how would both of you like to go to New York City with me?

Lily (with wide eyes): Really!

Lincoln: Yep.

Lola: Wait, why do they get to go to New York City and we don't?

Lincoln:They get to go to New York City because I still view them as family.

The Loud sisters (except for Lily) were emotional heart broken as Lincoln doesn't view them as family anymore.

Albert: I would love to go to New York City as I always wanted to visit there but I do have one condition before I agree to this.

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