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• 10:17 PM • Timothy's house •

"911, what's your emergency?"

"..someone's in my house..I- I'm scared. I don't know how they even got in, the alarm was on and the door was locked"

"Sir, I need you to stay calm. I'll send someone over"

"Please, I'm..so scared. I'm hiding under the bed"

With that the line cut out and Timothy was left with no one, except whoever decided today was a good day to break into his house



He now realized who it was and how they got in. Timothy got out from under the bed and was faced with his ex, Wesley whom had a key to the house.

"Oh..Wesley...what a..lovely surprise" he smiled even though part of him was still terrified

"Yeah..I'm just here to pick up my old photo album"

With those few words Timothy was heartbroken

"You mean the one you gave to me for my birthday?..The one filled with pictures of us together?"

"Timothy, it was hard on me-"

Timothy was on the verge of tears

"No..you don't get to say it was hard on you..You slept around and then acted surprised when i found out"


Timothy ignored him and grabbed a box from underneath his bed. He pulled out the photo album that  had the words 'I Love You To The Moon And Back' along with two hearts connected to one another.

"Take it, that's all I have left for you to take" Timothy held out the photo album for him to take

Wesley sighed but took the album from him.

He didn't say another word, he turned around and left. It reminded Timothy of the reason why they broke up

Because instead of staying to try  and make things better, he left

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