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• 2:34 PM • Luke's house •

Timothy gripped the pipe, tensing up as he prepared for the next hit.

Luke was careful.

Sure, he was pissed.

Yeah, he wanted to punish Timothy until he was begging.

But he didn't want to actually hurt Timothy.

He only wanted to hit him hard enough so the lesson stuck.

Luke swiveled the whip in his hand as he waited for Timothy to relax.

Sure, it hurts more when you're tense, but it scares you more when you're not ready for it.

Once Timothy did just that, Luke hit him in the calf.

Timothy yelped, yanking his foot off the ground as a reflex.

Tears started to leak through the blindfold, pouring down Timothy's face in rivers.

He just wanted the pain to stop.

Luke rolled his wrist as he warmed up for the next lash.


Timothy croaked,

"please stop."

Luke hummed.

He hit Timothy's thigh.

Timothy yelped as a welt already started to form

blood starting to come out where the skin broke.

Timothy released a sob.

Luke furrowed his brows, concern enveloping him.

"Please, sir,"

Timothy cried. "Please stop."

Luke hummed, dragging the whip across Timothy's should, which was already bleeding.

"Will you do it again?"

Luke asked.

Timothy shook his head vigorously.

"No, sir,"

Timothy croaked.

"Will you be good for me, baby?"

Timothy nodded his head, shaking.

Luke pulled the blindfold off Timothy's head.

Timothy released a helpless whimper.

"Thank you,"

Timothy whispered.

Luke kissed Timothy's forehead, uncuffing him.

"Let's get you to bed, hm?"

Timothy just nodded as Luke picked him up.

"I have to deal with something before I turn in for the night."

Timothy just nodded, not wanting to ask.

He didn't want to know.

And Like didn't plan on telling.

"Goodnight baby,"

Luke said as he placed Timothy on the bed.

He covered Timothy up with the blanket, kissing Timothy's head.

Timothy mumbled a response, curling into a ball.

Luke watched Timothy

making sure he fell asleep before he walked to the living room

his irritation returning to him

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