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Credit thesmorpking

• 12:38 PM • The Fresco Hotel, Luke's room •

Timothy tried to distract himself. Hell, he'd been staring at a lamp for over ten minutes just trying to ignore the stranger before him who held his knife still.

It was no longer at Timothy's neck, but the man still held it as he watched Timothy closely.

Luke stared at Timothy, deep in thought. How was he going to get Timothy, who probably wouldn't be able to stand since he was shaking so bad, to his house. It seemed damn near impossible.

Sure, Luke could coax Timothy with the knife, but that wouldn't help with Timothy's horrified state, which didn't make Luke all too happy.

With a sigh, Luke fished his phone from his pocket, still watching Timothy.

Timothy's head shot toward Luke, trembling even harder at Luke's movement. Luke tapped at his phone, humming a tune, which was an attempt to calm Timothy.

That attempt was a fail, seeing as Timothy's trembles became worse.

"Don't be scared, darling, I would never hurt you."

crooned Luke, cupping Timothy's cheek in his hand. Timothy felt tears form in his eyes as he stared at Luke. "Oh, don't cry either."

"I want to go home."

Timothy croaked, his fingers tightening around the comforter.

Luke smiled wide as he ran his thumb across Timothy's cheek.

"We are going home, baby, just give me a bit."

Luke soothed before retracting his hand and tapping on Sasha's contact.

Timothy stared up at Luke as he backed away from Timothy and turned on his heel.

"I'll be back, darling, don't you go anywhere."

And with that, Luke stepped out of the room.

Quickly, Timothy jumped up, his knees nearly buckling as he did. He caught his breath, attempting to remind himself to stay calm. Slowly and carefully, he made his way to the window and peered outside of it.

Great. He got kidnapped by someone who had a brain.

They just happened to be on a third story bedroom.

"Do these windows even open?"

Timothy asked himself as he thought out a way to decrease the fall damage he would take if he jumped.

"They do, but you won't be opening them."

said Luke. Timothy froze as he felt a cool blade press against his neck.

"Baby, didn't I tell you to stay put?"

Timothy couldn't speak, his eyes blurring with tears as his knees started to buckle.

"I just want to go home."

Timothy managed to mutter, stumbling as he tried to keep his footing.

"We are going home, baby, I already told you this."

Luke said, scooping Timothy up bridal style. Timothy was too tense to push away or start anything.

As Luke placed Timothy down on the hotel bed, knocking rapped at the door.

Timothy was hit with a sliver of hope. Hope that someone found him. Hope that his mom somehow tracked his destroyed phone to this hotel. Hope that he would be rescued.

That hope was shattered when Luke greeted the knocker with a smile and Timothy realized he wasn't being saved.

"Hi, bud."

the woman said, smiling. Luke watched both the woman and Timothy cautiously, as if he didn't trust the woman too well around Timothy.

"I'm Sasha." Timothy gulped.

"Hi," Timothy croaked.

Sasha smiled at Timothy, who started to relax a bit. Just a little bit though.

Luke didn't seem too content with how close Sasha was to Timothy.

"Let's get ya home, okay, bud?"

Timothy gave a helpless nod. Sasha smiled in response.

Timothy wanted anything but to be in that hotel room. All he wanted at this point was to leave.

Sasha and Luke had a private conversation, which seemed to consist entirely of Luke being overly protective and Sasha signing and nodding.

Timothy was at the point where he'd fall to his knees and pray, and praying isn't exactly something Timothy usually does.

He just wanted to go home.

After the conversation was over with, Luke eyed Timothy with a sigh.

"Come on, baby, we have to leave now."

he said.

Timothy shivered as the two waited for him to get off the bed. He threw his legs over the side and pressed his feet to the ground, silently praying that he wasn't going to fall.

Slowly, but surely, he climbed off the soft bed and inched toward Sasha, who seemed less of a threat compared to Luke.

Luke scowled deeply but endured, knowing that Timothy would just be a trembling mess if he tried to coax him to the car.

Sasha was sure not to touch Timothy, heeding the warning Luke had given her. They still made it down to the lobby despite not having to physically make Timothy move.

Once they had made it to the car, Timothy wasn't any calmer than he was in the hotel room. It especially didn't help when Luke wrapped something around his eyes, taking away one of his senses.

"Sorry baby, I don't want you getting any ideas."

Luke soothed, helping Timothy into the car. Timothy trembled as he felt around the backseat.

A yelp escaped his lips when the car door slammed. When the other door slammed, Timothy merely jumped.

"Its okay, darling, I would never hurt you"

Luke assured, looking back at the blindfolded, trembling boy in his back seat.

"Says the one who put a knife to my neck."

Timothy whispered, the words barely even audible to himself.

Luke ignored Timothy's mumbles and drove off, turning the radio up.

Timothy shakily reached for the blindfold, which gained him a sudden slap on the hand.


Luke bit. Timothy shoved his hands into his lap, shaking even harder. "And don't try the doors, child lock is on."

Timothy slumped back into the seat in defeat, feeling tears well in his eyes and soak the blindfold.

• 1:18 PM • outside Luke's house •

They couldn't have been driving for long when the door open, causing Timothy to flinch at being thrown back into reality. For the first time that day, he had a feeling of calm, of serenity, and it just got crushed.

"We're home now, darling."

Luke crooned, helping Timothy's shaking form out of the car. Carefully, the blindfold was removed.

Timothy looked around, looking at the driveway, the house, and the terrain surrounding it. He came to the realization he couldn't see any other houses, meaning he was stuck here without any hopes of rescue.

That realization hit him like a heavy brick.

Luke lead Timothy toward the house as Timothy forced down a terrified sob.

Of all people for this to happen to, why did it have to be him?

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