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• 8:49 AM • Luke's house •

"..baby, wake up"

Timothy was wide awake, but he acted as though he were sleeping in hopes that Luke would leave him be

"Baby, some friends are coming over to watch you since I have work today"

Timothy opened his eyes

He had hoped Luke had work again

And that Sasha would return

But that was not the case

Timothy heard voices coming from the living room

For whatever reason he got excited

Excited to see real people that weren't psychopaths

He got out of bed and raced to see them

Luke followed him

Timothy saw a male and a female

"Timothy, this is Taylor"

He gestured to the female and then to the male

"and Tate"

"Luke, is this the little guy you were talking about?"

Timothy frowned at Tate calling him little

Tate smiled as he ruffled Timothy's hair

Timothy mumbled

"I'm not a kid"

Timothy crossed his arms

"You're pouting"

Taylor said, grinning

"No I'm not"

Timothy muttered, averting his eyes from her.

She giggled and wrapped Timothy in a hug.

Tate chuckled, ruffling Timothy's hair again.

"Whatever you say, Timmy," Tate said, chuckling.

Luke narrowed his eyes, staring at Tate and Taylor.

Taylor looked at Luke and smiled.

"We got it under control, you can go to work," she said, smiling widely.

Luke hummed and raised his brows. Timothy stiffened up, starting to panic again.

Did he do something?

"Tate, Taylor, can we talk real quick?"

Luke growled.

Tate nodded, craning a brow at Luke.

Taylor and Tate walked over to Luke, leaving Timothy to himself.

"What stick is up your ass?"

Tate asked with a laugh.

"Let's set some rules,"

Luke bit. Taylor raised his brows as Taylor slowly nodded.

"First of all, don't touch what isn't yours."

Tate rolled his eyes

"I won't mess with your shit, Luke, I can't speak for Taylor,"

he said, snickering

"That's not what I mean. I mean don't touch Timothy. He isn't yours, so don't do it,"

Luke grumbled.

Taylor raised his eyebrows, nodding.

"Warning acknowledged," Tate said.

"And heeded," Taylor added. Luke nodded.


Luke growled.

"And he isn't to leave the house either."

The two nodded.

He walked over to Timothy and cupped his cheek, smiling.

"I'll be back soon, okay darling?"

Timothy took a deep breath and nodded.

Luke eyed Tate and Taylor, giving them a warning glance.

They both smiled and nodded.

Still aggravated, Luke slammed the door as he left

"So Timmy, what do you want to do? Watch a movie?"

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