Description I guess?? (Edited)

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    Shuichi Saihara, The Ultimate Detective, is the mastermind of this killing game instead of Tsumugi Shirogane. While seeing one of the flashback lights, something triggered in Tsumugi's memories. She remembered the whole truth of the killing game and who the true mastermind was. She didn't tell anyone, but there was an unexpected turn and she took control of the killing game. That was her dream, to be the mastermind of a killing game. 

    Shuichi regrets everything he's done and has some negative thoughts. What he was not expecting help from was The Ultimate Supreme Leader, Kokichi Ouma. They try to find a way to end everything with Tsumugi along with it. Maki, Kaito, Kiibo, and Himiko sees that Shuichi really was telling the truth about wanting to end the game and help them to fight against Tsumugi.

Please forgive me if this entire thing is terrible. I'm not good at writing fanfiction or romance and whatnot. I'm not good at writing in general but mmm oh well. If yall enjoy it, then I'll continue writing this. I just wanted a story where Shuichi just isn't obsessed over the killing game. Like, he was at first but then realizes how fucking stupid that is and just gets attached to everyone. " But why did he not just end it there?" Befuckingcause, I'm a monster and he's scared.

anyway, enjoy ya weebs, like how I enjoyed writing this lol.

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