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This is just going to be like a oneshot sort of thing. I thought maybe, if you guys like this, then I could put a oneshot between each chapter. I know it's taking awhile, but I have no excuses for that. So, here's something I just whipped out for you guys!

Ps: This is a non despair au and they're kids.


"I always knew carrying a rubber band around would come in handy."

"Yeah, to make her angrier," a hushed voice said while trying to be out of other kids' views. "Why don't we just go back? Maki's scary."

"Stop being a scardy cat, Shuichi. Plus, it's funny!" Kokichi whispered back. He started to aim the rubber band towards Maki.

"Kokichi, plsease, let's just go back before she sees us," Shuichi started tugging at Kokichi's arm.

"Shumai, let go," Kokichi looked back at Shuichi, which was a mistake.

"What are you trying to do?" The two boys turned their attention to the voice and froze.

"Ah, h-hi Maki, don't worry we were about to go somewhere else," Shuichi's voice shook slightly because of the aura Maki gave off.

Shuichi quickly stood up and grabbed Kokichi by the arm and left as quick as possible. They went back to their play area and sat down.

"Shumaiii, Maki's scary!" Kokichi whined while faking tears.

Even though Shuichi knew his tears were fake, he couldn't help himself but frown.

"Well, it was still your fault that she saw us," Shuichi said calmly, "but I'll always be here for you!" He spoke with confidence and smiled.

Kokichi looked at him, completely dumbfounded. He was trying to think of something better to say that would impress Shuichi.

"W-well, then I'll always protect you!" Kokichi blurted out after a few seconds. He smiled with pure determination and new found confidence.

"Okay," Shuichi's smile became brighter and they continued their recess time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2019 ⏰

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