Chapter 1 Whooooo

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    I've decided what I'll do. They may not believe it, but hopefully that means nobody will be hurt again.

Five hours later

    *Ding dong bing bong* "Ahem, hello! Everyone, go to the gymnasium, I have a special announcement from the mastermind themselves!"

    That was going to be the announcement that would end it all. I will end this. I have to. I was already at the gymnasium when everyone else got there. We were all giving each other looks, to see if any of us had an idea of what's going on. I was just looking to see if Kokichi and Kaito would be there. I guess not. But before I was going to ask where they could be, the door that leads to the hallway opened.

    "Hello! Did we miss anything?" Kokichi held his hands behind his neck as if nothing happened.

    "Maki Roll! Shuichi!" Kaito yelled our names from behind Kokichi. He came running toward our direction and hugged us. He let go of us and Maki didn't seen so happy as she was about to go after Kokichi.

    "Wait, Maki,"I put a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to stop her from doing anything drastic.

    "But he kept Kait-"

    "Maki, I'm fine. He isn't the mastermind," Kaito said with a determined face.

    "Awww, I guess you caught me!" Kokichi put a finger to his lips.

    "Let's see what Monokuma has to say first," Kiibo said.

    "I never said that Kokichi was the mastermind," Monokuma stated as he came from the stage. Everyone just looked at him. 

    "It's true this time," he walked over to us. I was actually shocked. Did something happen between them?

    "Anyway," Monokuma sounded a bit irritated, "this killing game is officially over. The mastermind doesn't feel the need to continue it any longer."

    "What? Then could they reveal themselves?" Tsumugi asked, looking around. We all looked at each other. I felt anxiety flow through my entire body, am I really doing this?  I was about to say it when Monokuma said something I wasn't expecting.

    "Puhuhuhuhuhu, that's up to them! They feel as if though they would betray you all," Monokuma cooed. I felt the anxiety turn into panic, I didn't  program for him to say that, does that mean someone else I don't know has access Monokuma? I tried my best to look calm.

    "I don't believe you," Maki had a glare.

    "Yea! They wouldn't just do that out of nowhere!" Kaito agreed with Maki.

    "The mastermind doesn't just say that they're stopping their own killing game, would they? They would want to keep it going," Tsumugi looked slightly hurt. Her expression looks slightly off.

    "You're all right! They wouldn't just do that out of nowhere unless they have a true soft side to them!" Monokuma confirmed their statement. This isn't right...

    I felt the panic worsen, I didn't program that either, is...? I stole a quick glance at Tsumugi, she seemed normal, but there's got to be something wrong. I would have to check that later.

    "Huh? Shuichi, is something wrong? You look a little pale," She inquired, giving me a look of concern. (A/N - Okay, so at this point, I had to stay up until 3:30 am cause I really wanted to give you guys this first chapter, but I got really exhausted so I stopped. The rest is like when I wake up. Why I did this is because I had to change the entire font to normal text.)

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