⎡ 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕚𝕧𝕖 ⎦

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    Nick seemed to be lost in thought. The run must have exhausted him I thought, maybe Bryn and I got a little carried away. I looked at Nick, watching his eyes scanning the crowds as if intent on finding something or someone. I watched his sepia eyes run over people as if they alone could memorise everyone by the gentle slant of their nose or the crease in their forehead due to stress. I watched him look at everyone before discarding them as quickly as he had shown interest in them. I could feel my eyebrows knitting together in confusion; I couldn't offer to help him without knowing what he was actually doing. He must have noticed because he shot me a side glance, smiling.

    "Princess, can you do me a favour?" I raised an eyebrow, "please stop drilling holes into the left side of my head. It's distracting." I let out a half amused and half exasperated laugh which sounded short and brittle. 

    "I'm not drilling holes into the side of your head," I started which prompted both Bryn and Nick to laugh, "I'm simply looking." Nick turned around to face me, his sudden quest for people quelled. 

    "Oh? Looking at what, princess?" I watched him move his face closer to mine. I batted my eyelashes innocently, trying to contain the flush of colour I could feel on my cheeks.

    "Did you know you've got a pimple on your cheek? Do you really think Alyce would like th-" Nick quickly slapped a hand over his left cheek, looking mortified. I heard him mutter something about ice-cream before he plucked a mirror out of his bag and wearily checking his skin which only revealed beautifully flawless skin. Turning his attention back to me, I smiled sweetly at Nick while Bryn laughed at us. 

    "Oh you little-" I gasped at him dramatically, gently placing my fingers on his lips.

    "There are children present!" I scolded, "watch your tone there!" Nick pushed my fingers off his lips revealing a rather sinister smirk underneath. The slick smile spread, dimpling his cheeks in a way I found both cute and concerning at once. A plan was hatching, a beautifully tragic plan. I could see it in the way his eyes shimmered with unsaid calculations. I looked at Bryn desperately for support who simply shrugged me off, laughing. I turned back to Nick who had risen from his seat and apparently he had never broken eye contact with me either, his eyes dancing dangerously.

    "Run, princess," he commanded, his lips curling at the prospect of a challenge. I grabbed Bryn's hand and began to weave my way through the waiting area, trying to be as careful as I could as I forced Bryn to help me run through the maze of sleeping people and luggage. I forced myself to keep running even as I noticed Nick's footsteps getting closer. Being chased was nothing like the movies. The stars look heroic, sexy and in command of the situation. Reality was far removed from that pretty version of running. It was only then that I realised how lucky I was; running taught me about life, that every little thing is broken down into one step at a time. That's as easy and as hard as every task is. Running had always helped me and I was sure it wouldn't fail me now. 

    The cold air from the air conditioner caressed my cheeks, blocking all the other sounds. I could only hear the pounding of blood in my ears, the heart that beat strongly, even as I almost tripped over a sleeping child. The excitement and anticipation pushed me to go faster even as the steps behind me seemed to be getting closer and closer.

    The waiting area was simply steel seats, rows upon rows of them. They were like the ocean and I glanced at Bryn who let go of my hand, moving towards the window to see how this would play out. I grinned at her before turning my focus back towards the sea of steel which was begging to be crossed. 

    I picked up my pace, my feet simply kissing the ground. I made a couple quick turns here and there, taking my lead to turn around to see where Nick was. He had covered the neutral coloured paving stones that lined the floor with a great loping gait that suggested his ankles were made of tightly coiled springs rather than the sinew and bone the rest of us have. Each one of his mighty strides were worth at least two of mine. With the slightest of effort he was about to catch up to me, barely breaking a sweat and not panting in the least. There was something about the way he smiled; the way butterflies seemed to escape from the pit of his stomach and the way the sun had somehow toppled down from the sky and made a home right there in his heart. He had the kind of smile that made you feel happy to be alive and just that little bit more human. Every step spoke of a carefully crafted freedom he so rarely had and was taking full advantage of while he did. Turning back around, I began to focus on my main goal of not letting Nick catching me. I barely registered Bryn's warning as I caught sight of a broad man standing less than five meters in front of me and I had been too determined to get out of Nick's grasp that I knew I would have no chance of slowing down enough. I tried to slow down and veer myself to the right to avoid him however my body apparently had different plans. My feet had slammed themselves into the floor causing my body to do some weird arc that really only a gymnast could recover from. As I fell backwards, I squeezed my eyes shut, readying myself for the impact.

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