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Jungkook {3rd POV}

The young boy led his eldest Hyung towards the bathrooms at the back of the club. Jungkook was in complete rage from what had happened. He needed to show everyone, including Taehyung that no one should take advantage of Yoongi.

Everything that was happening had flashed so quickly that the youngest didn't realize that he had the oldest pinned up against the wall of the bathroom stall. His gaze torn deep into Yoongis eyes before pulling away.

"I'm sorry I- I didn't mean to do that. I just couldn't stand the way Taehyung took advantage of you like that. It just made me-"

Jungkook felt a finger rest gently against his slim lips. He glanced down at his small Hyung with a look of confusion.

"You don't need to say anymore." The eldest moved his hand away and looked at Jungkook with a small gummy smile. "I wanted to get away from that situation..so thank you.." He responded quite awkwardly.

Jungkook felt relieved at the words that left from his Hyungs lips. He felt accomplished that Yoongi wanted to be rescued from that uncomfortable situation.

There was a long moment of silence between the two. They had been glancing at one another nonstop, but soon enough, Yoongi broke the silence between them.

"Hey so..I'm going sneak out and go home, I don't think I want to stay in here any longer.." The eldest looked fidgety and anxious as he spoke those words. Jungkook took notice into his Hyungs actions, but he didn't want to say anything about it.

"It's okay..But um..let me take you home...I wouldn't want anything to happen to you Hyung.."

"No no...It's fine Jungkook. I think I can handle going home by myself."

"If you say so..," Jungkook muttered quietly underneath his breath. He heard gentle footsteps making their way to the bathroom door. Once he looked up, Yoongi was gone. An annoyed sigh huffed out of Jungkook as he began to second-guess his decision.

He stood there in the bathroom aimlessly while quietly speaking to himself. 'What if something bad happens to him when he gets home? Or maybe what if he gets dragged back into the grasp of Taehyungs big-' Jungkook stopped himself when he heard the soft chime of his phone getting a notification. He almost immediately pulled it out of his pocket to see what it was.

It was a text from Yoongi.


Jungkook help.

The group stopped me from escaping.

kookies n'cream




Don't tell me you were thinking about different

scenarios while you were still in the bathroom?

kookies n'cream


I was worried that something bad will happen to you.

I should've left with you


Yah! Where'd you go?!



They're trying to take my phone!!


kookies n'cream

I'm already out of the bathroom.

I will save you from those CREATURES

Especially Taehyung

Especially Tae|



Wowow, been a while since I've updated.

I apologize for the long hiatus guuuys! 🥺

I had no inspiration to write at all, but I'm back and hopefully, I'll be uploading often.

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