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"I'll do it" he said in a neutral voice...  And I let go of his shirt and he raised it up himself, taking it off...

And there...  Reveals scar marks...

"hyung...  This.."

"ah that.  It's  nothing.  I deserved it. I am a sinner afterall"

End of flashback

"Those marks spoke for him...
He was abused...
And I understand why he didn't want to strip in the first place. He didn't want to show his back.

Because of that... Event(massage)
I masturbated two times in a day...
I. Am. Annoyed.
How dare my hormones fail me like that?"



It is 22:32
"Normally it's  time to sleep. But since it's friday,

It's  our time for overwatch. " i walked out of my room towards hyung's. I knocked

"hyung"I called out knocking once,  waiting for a response. A few seconds passed and I stood there patiently.
I knocked the second time and called him.

And still no response
"maybe he's taking a shower..." I twisted the door open and pushed it open.
And there was no one in the bedroom.
And not just that...  The bedroom looked like magic fell on it

I walked in towards the door to his bathroom... Yet there was no water dripping sounds
"Hyung, it's time for overwatch.  Are you in there?" i asked knocking cautiously.








No response.
"I'm opening it" I called..  Twisting the doorknob and pushing it open..
It IS open...

And...  There
Was a bathroom...
And no one was in there...

And again like i said earlier.  I looked like magic!  It's  squeaky clean...  Well. I don't know what it looked like earlier but it's really clean.
I checked behind the door before closing it

Returning to the bedroom

just earlier it looked like a storm landing on it.
Now it's so neat you can't even tell that someone rooms here." I checked under the bed just incase and left the room.
I walked downstairs and for sure he's  here...

I arrived the living room. Nope

Not there. I then walked towards the kitchen.

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