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"I hate you"  taehyung walks out, saying in fury

"taehyungah.. " jimin mumbles, worried.

"w-we can't fix this right now... Can we? "jin asks clenching his jaw.. With a pouty sad mouth

Jungkook gets out of jin's grip walking away to their bedroom, shutting the door behind him



"why do they have to fight...? I mean...  They were taking pictures and stuff earlier.. " hoseok mumbles, worried about the situation

"but they still have to fix it.. we atleast three days left" namjoon mentions

Taehyung's POV


Warning: contains violence,  and suicidal thoughts

"i hate him







ME.. " I took the elevator to the first floor,(was on floor 3) and went to the small garden of the apartment that were still petite france theme...

I sat down on the swings.. Alone


I was on my desk just reading my books... Not a nerd with round glasses and such.  I had a classy,  clean look...

Atleast just for now..
"hey! Bi bisexual!" a kid screamef through my ears.  Clogging them due to the volume
'what was his name again? ' i thought,  raising my chin up to look.

3 kids..

"I'm not bisexual.  What are you talking about?" i asked caring less about them. Wanting them to leave my sight

"Not bisuexual?  Oh.  Then are you gay perhaps?  HAHAHAH!" they exclaimed asking

I stayed put with my head down,  not wanting to entertain them

"hey. Answer us!" the boy growled pulling my hair up so that my face would be looking up. It hurt though...  My hair
But I didn't answer..



They then poured water on my face.  It was freezing...  It was MY water...  And everyone started having their eyes on us as if It were a show. Laughed, glared...  In this school I was considered as spoiled(though I am not)  getting everything I want...with money

Though I never dared telling them to my father...  He'll just do worse.

"hey.  Spoiled brat.  Give us some money would you? " the guy infront of me started provoking.

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