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Jungkook's POV

"After that day... I had been avoiding his hyungs.
Not going to lunch with them...

I searched for his presence...



I couldn't control myself but I couldn't take a day without looking at pictures...

His photo albums..



Videos i took

I know how weird it sounds. But...
What if hyung really doesn't come back?

Will I keep having to repeat seeing the pictures and videos over and over again until I memorize them with my eyes closed?



I want to see him again..
Hear him again...

Let him hug me again

Be clingy... whine at me like some kid.

Care for me

Lift my mood...

Appreciate me for just being me



"I don't mind the makeup,  contacts and cosplay dye...

He looks better out of the shower,  am I right?"I asked with a lip smile. Only to realize...


'WHAT DID I JUST SAY?'I turned away from them fighting in my insides
As my stomach began feeling weird,  my face was feeling hot i probably look like crimson...
My racing heart...

  I felt like overheating from embarrassment like smork coming out my ears.
It might just be exageration... but It isn't impossible
This awkward smile on my face...

Why did I tell him that?
That sounds like something...

Homosexuals would say...  Isn't it? '

"n-no hom---"

"Ah..  Thanks jungkookah" breath brushed tickling my nape, as a higher pitched voice rang in my ears.  Knowing it was hyung, he then stood beside me along with the other two


"kookah..." he babbled Walking towards him with a pouted face

"What?" Jungkook asks lifting the older's chin up to meet his eyes..
And the older began doing aegyo. Batting his eyelashes pouting.

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