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Yes he is flirting with me and he's wearing a goofy grin. Well something is definitely off about him.

"Seph have you been drinking? "

"Yes Ma'am, a teensy bit, not much just a cup of whatever Katie gave me. " he chuckles.

I look over his shoulder, "and that would be the redhead that's cutting me with eye daggers?"

He looks her way and she smiles at him, "oh yeah, she's harmless. Any who, would you like a tour of my house? "

"Sure why not. " He grabs my waist and pull me close. "While we're touring, maybe I will see Alicia" I enquire.

"Yeah, maybe, maybe not especially if she's with Jaime. I'm sure they've already claimed one of my guest rooms" he laughs.

He walks us to the TV room and introduce me to a couple of his friends. We walk through so many rooms I miss count.

"What does one person need with a house this big? I mean wow, the entire community can live here."

"Ha ha funny, actually my mother's family lived here. She has nine brothers and sisters to be exact. My grandparents don't need the extra space. They've all bought there own homes and with me being the only male out of all the grands it was given to me. For that reason I moved here to the states. Of course I've been renovating it for three years now. In another year your dad is going to hire me on permanently, so there is no need to go back to London. "

We were on the third floor in a master suite I assumed. There was a California King size bed facing the patio. Two sets of double doors on the left and right side of the room. The door was open to the en suite bathroom. A huge beautiful floor rug stretched from the bed to the patio.

He sighed loudly and walked out to a patio. There was cool breeze coming in which gave me chill bumps.

"Look at this view Jess."

I walked towards him and he noticed me rubbing the chill bumps on my arm. He turned me towards the open scene of the ocean and wrapped me into his body and propped his chin on top of my head.

"Honestly Jess wouldn't you love to wake up to this view every day? This house, this view, a dream job, and...." he hesitated. "Well you know what I mean, right. I have no desire to leave America. So my answer to your question is I need it because one day your going to realize you want to wake up with me every morning to see this view. " He chuckles and I smile.

"It is a beautiful view Seph, but I'm sure your redhead girlfriend would object to me sharing a bed with you. " I giggle.

"She's not my girlfriend, that's what your going to be." He whispers. "Let's go in its getting cold up here. Would you like a glass of wine?"

Hell yeah I'm thinking I need something to calm my heart beat. He just told me I was going to be his girlfriend. Yes, yes, yes get me a drink and fast.

"Jess do you?"

"I'm sorry, yes please." I'm now assuming that this is his room. He is being extremely touchy and flirty and I love the way my body feel next to his and where in the hell is Alicia?

Maybe I'm over thinking this situation. I know Seph would never hurt me. So I relax, we walk into the room and shut the patio door.

"Go ahead and kick off your shoes and get comfy. I shall return. " he smiles and leave.

I kick off Alicia's high tops and climb in his bed. I sit with my back against the head board and wait. His bed is very comfortable, so I scoot down until I'm flat on my back. What are these feather pillows? They feel very nice. I'm looking at the ceiling fan go around and around and of course I fall asleep.

His name is Joseph MorganWhere stories live. Discover now