Ch. 31

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To all of my readers, I'm not sure how many but the next few chapters will be Seph's POV


For two hours I have watched my beautiful wife in the same position not moving only breathing. The doctor said she's still recovering from surgery. I thank God she's still here, I just want her to wake up. She was in surgery for five hours, and she just made it here to recovery. Our babies are fine, we have both a boy and girl. I'm leaning towards the names Jeremiah and Jariah, I liked Jeremy until she met this Jeremy guy. I met the creep an hour ago and I wish he'd go back to where he came from. I know I don't have the final decision about the names, but those ones I prefer.

Oh man, nothings worked out right for Jess and I since she announced I'd be her husband one day. When she announced that we would marry when we got older everything's worked against us. I remember the moment I was enchanted by her.

We came to America to visit my grands and to get Chan. We stopped by my dad's best mate house this little kid looked as if it could barely walk, followed me through their home. When we made it to their family room, the little child pulled on my trouser leg as I sat. She basically demands for me to pick her up. I indulge her and help her on to my lap.

She just stare at me at first as if she's examining me. Then she hug me and kiss my cheek. Suddenly she point to my left eye. I think she's going to poke it but she just points. I respond and say "eye" and she immediately repeat "eye". The parents stop talking and look at us, my dad's mate says "That's baby girl's first word, besides 'dada' and 'mama'." His wife says, "She's never says anything. "

Me being cheeky remarked, " Neither of you've said a word to the child since we've arrived, so I'm sure you've not attempt to teach her."

Of course mum scold me immediately for my unnecessary behavior. That moment I knew I would do whatever I needed to protect my little love. I taught her whatever I could that summer. I didn't see much of my grands but I think they understood. Chan of course told me I was a baby hanging around a baby. But I didn't care, I was with Jess teaching her new things and that's all that mattered.

Before the summer was over Jess could say her alphabet without singing it, and she could identify each letter. She could say and identify her numbers, shapes, and colors. She also memorized the countries so that she would know where we each lived. At the end of the summer, I told her I would be returning home soon. So every night she would tug on my sheets and I would lift her into my bed. That was a very difficult time after we were separated.

Until after the second time we visited and Jess said she'd marry me when she get older, things became worse. I took it as an adorable joke from a cute kid, that I knew looked up to me, so I played along. I thought the parents would say how precious or something of the matter. I didn't think they would hurt her feelings, by telling her how absurd the idea was. That put me at a defense, and I took up for her of course, I was twelve and she was five.

It was shocking to me when I realized they never let her act as a child would. She was reprimanded as if she was an adult. I felt as if it was my duty to be her champion because she was the only person that would actually listen to me and take no offense to my smart mouth. After that incident they wouldn't allow any contact betwixt us. My dad told me I was inappropriate, and shouldn't have feelings for a five year old. I tried to explain that I was only protecting her feelings. My mom was more understanding and tried to explain to me what the Smartus' thought was happening. At that age I knew nothing of sex, why would I try inappropriate things with a kid. They were all sick.

I remember how gutted I felt, I only felt like I was truly wanted when I was with Jessica. So at the age of thirteen, I found some friends that could understand how I felt. Their names were Timothy and Isaac, the best chaps around. They always had my back through thick and thin. Chan called them dumb and dumber I didn't care they were my best mates. When we turned sixteen we were always about something.

His name is Joseph MorganWhere stories live. Discover now