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Albin invited me to a party again because he wants to enjoy parties before he becomes a father. The party starts at 9pm. Today I actually even feel like going. I am glad that he invited me because I need to get rid of the anxiety that my stupid exams gave me.

As always , I don't know what to wear and I don't know how to do my make up today. I don't want to go all dressed up and a full face of makeup , but either don't want to do causal dress and no make up. It's complicated?

I put on a red dress which I really like because it's not too classy , but not too casual. It's perfect for frat parties. I am going to put on some converse and a jean jacket to complete my outfit. I'm gonna put my hair into a ponytail and put on some eyeliner, mascara and lipstick. I feel good. I feel confident. It's exactly what I need.


I run down the stairs because Albin called me that he is downstairs already. In his car i see Melanie and a boy who I don't know . They all greet me as I get in the car. The unknown boy scans me from head to heels and smirks flirty.

Wait , is he flirting with me?

"Hey , I'm Anthony" he pulls his hand out of his jacket and tries to reach mine as he introduces himself.

"I'm Elizabeth, nice to meet you" I give him a fake smile. He seems like that type of boy who clearly only wants the one thing. You know what I mean.

We arrived at the frat house.

Already in front of the front door I see a bunch of drunk people. I probably am going to have some drinks today took. I don't drink usually but today all I want is to have fun.

I follow the new boy around because I want to get to know him , I want to know if he's like I thought he is.

"let's go outside, I need to smoke one" he shrugs.

"You smoke?" I ask him.

"Yeah , you don't?" He raised his eyebrow at me

I have to admit that I never tried smoking. I never felt like it.

"I actually never even tried it" i say and I see him giggle.

"Come on" he pulls me to the backyard by my hand.

"Hey Ioan dude ! What's up!" I hear Anthony scream exited.

Ioan scans me and is looking at me strangely.
He didn't even answer Anthony and all he says is "Liz I need to talk to you".
I am getting nervous already. I don't know what he will tell me.

"Are you here with him?" He asks. I can see his nervousness in eyes. When he is nervous his eyes go wide and he closes them often.

"I'm not" I shrug.

"Of course you aren't" he really rolled his eyes at me.

"Even if what's wrong with that?"

I only said that to provoke him , obviously.

"Nothing" he lies.

You can tell when he lies by the way his cheeks flush a bright pink and how his voice is becoming deeper.

I don't know what to say now. I am getting nervous because of the awkward silence that is between us right now. This is so confusing.

I really would love to say some things about how much I miss and hate him at the same time , but yet my voice is so lost. I could scream but no one would hear it.

I look to my left and see Anthony walking up at us , thank god.

"What were you two talking about?" He says with a bright grin on his face. I really like his smile and the way he raises his brow while laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2019 ⏰

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