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Hey guys I want to say this is true but I am ok-ish don't worry.
So a guy pulled my skirt down and since this was during homecoming I couldn't find any teachers, he did things that no one should have done to them....
The teachers said on Monday that it was my fault for not reporting it immediately (it was on homecoming and a Friday) and for waiting 3 days also they said that I was pretty much "asking for it" because I was wearing a skirt. And I was told to apologize to him for making a commotion over it... but I had 2 teachers who saved me. Ms Lafon and Ms. Cobb at first I hated Ms.Cobb but I soon learned that she was tougher on me because she knew I had potential, and Ms Lafon my history teacher no matter how much of a brave face I put on, she would see right through it, and give me a hug, I just want to say if they ever see this I love them so much and I love you guys the few of you who read this, and I really do want to hear from you.

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