We all fall down. P1

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I know I haven't updated in forever I have been grounded and going through a lot of stuff.

I was being sexually harassed,my "best friend" John turned on me and is now dating my bully.
A girl who I thought was my friend was spreading rumors about me, I will be the first to admit I'm no angel but this girl is a demon, but the worst thing is the she puts on an "innocent" act. So I finally had enough of her BS, saying that I had a hickey when it was a bruise from Krav Maga, trying to break my Star of David necklace, Saying I should just go die, so when she called me a spoiled brat and messed up in the head, I snapped and told her what I thought of her but I kept myself composed I said we were never friends because you are a user.
I was sent to the principals office for the second time that day the first being because I was told to stop reporting this guy whenever he makes an Anti-Semitic comment towards me. The principal suggested I be sent to a Psych Ward, when my psychologist heard about that he was outraged. It turns out the reason I sometimes have abrupt mood swings is because I have Bipolar disorder, but that's ok I'm now on medication to treat it.

End of part 1

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