Gray Ashford

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The Yandere

First name: Gray

Surname: Ashford

Nickname/s: None

Race: Vampire

Age: About 2456 years

Date of birth: 23. May


-Howard Ashford [Father deceased]
-Grace Ashford [Mother alive/ Not living close by]
-Lennon Ashford [Alive/Married to Lillith Kincaid]

Gray has heterocromia eyes, which is why his left eye is colored in a beautiful teal and right one colored in crimson. This isn't always the case. [ see number 3 in 'About him']

His skin is pale, which is very noticeable because of his black spiky hair. It almost reaches his shoulders and is not in the least damaged. This is probably because of the vampire genes which make everything a bit more beautiful.

He has beautiful and soft hands, which is unexpected. His nails are painted black.


Gray is slightly sadistic and he doesn't even try to hide it. He also loves to flirt with people, it doesn't matter if they are men or women.
Merciful is a word he will never be described with. He doesn't care whose blood he drinks, how much he drinks and if the person dies after that. He isn't scared of exorcists because he's really strong. Talking about exorcists, he encountered many ready and he killed them all. He tends to play with his "food" before he kills it. This "playing" consists of letting them participate in a game of hide and seek.
His personality changes a bit after he meets Mayumi. He becomes more obsessed, though he still flirts. Jealousy is the almost only thing on his mind and he wants to monopolize him. He wants to cage him, so nobody else can touch him.
Once you touch his belongings, you've practically shoveled your own grave. He doesn't like it at all when someone touches what's his. Gray also tends to be nice from time to time but that's only in school so he can stay disguised as a human. His grades are mostly "A's' and "B's". He loves Mayumi in his own way.

About Gray:
1. Gray and his family members don't get along. He despises his brother for a thing he did to him in the past.

2. Gray is known as the schools delinquent/Goth/player. They all don't know in which category to put him but even then nobody stopped themselves from loving him. Nobody seems to notice that every person that went with him either never came back or came back a few weeks later with amnesia.

3. In his human appearance he has two teal colored eyes , but his left eye turns red when:
-He drank blood
-He is really, really hungry
-He feels really angry
-He uses his vampire powers, except it's only a small thing like teleporting.

4. He lives alone in an apartment.

5. He's really powerful, way more powerful than a thousand vampires. Which is why, the sun doesn't burn him. Crosses don't hurt. Normal knives and stakes don't kill him either.

6. He can only die, when you kill him with the weapon he was killed the first time. (You will be killed at birth and then you're given blood from you're parents. According to you're parent's strength, you will gain the doubled amount ((only if you're from a noble family)) )

7. Gray didn't have a happy childhood, which explains the hate between the family.

Lust for blood [Vampire!Male!Yandere x Priest!Male!Oc]Where stories live. Discover now