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Chapter 00:

Weariness etched across my face as I stare at my own reflection on the mirror. Short strands of blonde hair hung messily, slicked with sweat. The once vibrant-color was now dulled, covered in a tired aura that hinted a lot of countless sleepless nights. Green eyes—tired like a forest darkened by twilight—stared back, as if they were pitying me.

Embarrassed by my own gaze, my eyes shift to look at the running faucet.

I'm tired.

"Nicky!" A loud bang on the door startles me out of my own self loathing. "You good? You've been in there for 20 minutes!"

"Yeah!" I shout before splashing my face with water in hopes of washing away the useless thoughts. I wipe my face and stare at the mirror one more time.

My mouth effortlessly curves into a well-practiced smile. Smile. Mom hates it when you don't.

I stepped out of the bathroom and carefully closed the door behind me. Tyler sighs as I walk up to him.

"Are you okay?" He scans my face and frowns. "Holy—go fucking sit down or something, you look like shit."

"I can't, I have to watch the store until—"

"You're going home to rest. My uncle won't mind and we won't cut your pay, don't worry. So just go home, Nicky."

Mr. Mathews is Tyler's uncle. I work in their grocery shop as a part-timer. I sort their shelves, restock, and sit in the cashier. Tyler usually has basketball practice around this time, but he insisted on coming with me. He's always been a worry wart.

Although rough with his words, Tyler is a nice guy everyone loves. He's one of the popular guys in school and people often question why someone like him hangs out with a guy like me.

Tyler doesn't care. He says I shouldn't either because he'd beat up anyone who would bully me.

And he did.

Tyler has messy brown hair, and gray eyes, carrying that roguish look with how messy his clothes always are. A troublemaker with a good personality, how odd, right?

Before I knew it, Tyler was shoving me outside.


"Shut up, I already called an uber for you. Here." Tyler hands me a bag. "That's for you. Not your mom, not for that brat, but for you. Got it?"

I opened the bag. A box of donuts. "...thank you, honestly."

"Yeah, yeah. Just rest and come back to school already." Tyler huffs. "Avery and I, we miss you, alright?"

I nod, unsure of what to say. But that seemed to be enough for Tyler because he was once again, shoving me.

Tyler closes the car's door and waves at me. "See 'ya!"

I smiled at him and waved goodbye before closing the window. I close my eyes, sinking further in my seat.

I haven't been in school for two weeks already. I had to work multiple part-time jobs day and night because of my mom's growing debt. I have to work my ass off while mom throws the money away to buy alcohol.

I don't know how much longer I can take it.

I took off my shoes and placed them on the shoe rack. I looked at the pile of shoes and slippers on the floor and kneeled down to tidy them up.

"You're late."

"...did you eat?" I stand up, dusting myself up. I looked at my sister who was staring at me with a look. "What?" I glanced at the bag in my hand then sighed.

"Here, donuts." I'm sorry Ty.

To my surprise, Annie pushes it away from me as she crosses her arms. "Eat it. I don't need your stupid donuts. You look like you need it more than I do."

I tried so hard to give Annie a normal childhood, something I never had. But having an alcoholic, and greedy mother proved it to be hard.

Annie hides behind her snarky and bratty personality. But deep inside that is a terrified girl who desperately clings to me. Too afraid I would leave her, too, just like dad did.

I opened the box and grabbed one, giving her the strawberry flavored one. It's her favorite. "If you want more, I'll be upstairs."

I ruffled her hair and was about to climb upstairs when suddenly, Annie tugs on my sleeves.


I didn't notice it earlier because of the room's poor lighting but in this angle, I could see the red bruises on her cheek properly. I drop the box, startling Annie as I kneel in front of her.

"Who—what happened!?"

Annie shakes her head. "I—it doesn't matter, stop being dramatic! J-just, can I... stay with you?"

"Is it mom? Did she do this?!" I was too angry to think properly. "Where is she?" Mom probably had one of her tantrums earlier and since I wasn't here, she probably directed her anger towards Annie.


"Annie, where is she?!"

"What's all that noise?"

Annie stiffens in fear. I looked behind her and frowned. Mom was drunk. Her hair is a mess, her clothes disheveled and she had a bottle in her hand. I instinctively pull Annie behind me as I stand up.

"Nicky..." Annie's voice trembled as she grabbed my hand. "Nicky, d-don't. S-she'll hurt you too!"

"Go upstairs and lock the door. Now." I glare at my mom.

"See, you spoil her too much." Mom glances at Annie, squinting. "Bruise is not even that bad. Go and cook me something to eat, Nicholas."

"You raised a hand on Annie," I didn't want to raise my voice because of Annie, but I was too angry to think. "You raised your hand on my sister! I told you not to! I give you all my hard earned money, and I ask you a simple thing and you can't even do it!?"

"How dare you raise your voice at me!"

"Who raises a hand on an eight years old, innocent girl! What kind of a mother are you!?"

Tension fills the air as the argument escalates and in a fit of rage, mom lets out a scream as she lifts the bottle in her hand. I stood there, shocked. Before I knew it, my head was bleeding and I was on the floor.

Annie lets out a terrified scream as she rushes to my side. Her words were muffled by a loud ringing, a distant call of my name was all that I could hear.

My vision hazes as my eyes slowly close.

No...no, not yet. I c-can't. I can't leave her. I can't leave my sister!

Please, no, not yet.


"Nicky, N-Nicky!"

I'm sorry..

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