01: Amnesia|Part I

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Chapter 01:
Amnesia| Part 01

   The servants moved with practiced precision in the distinguished hall of the ducal manor, carrying books of ancient magic, history, and discoveries. One servant was tasked with carrying maps, the scroll in his arms beginning to falter as the poor servant nearly trips.

Reginald Acolyte skillfully dodges the servant from colliding into him, all the while holding the plate in his hand securely. Although his face remained unfazed, he was just as confused as the other servants.

Who wouldn't be? The infamous second son of the Perez ducal family suddenly became studious overnight, demanding to have every book and map to be delivered in his room.

It stirred everyone in the manor.

This all happened after he woke up from a coma.

The young master fell off his horse and struck the ground with a sharp impact. The young master remained unconscious for a month and when he suddenly woke up, he spiraled.

Reginald remembers it clearly.

He was on his way to the young master's room when suddenly, he heard a loud shatter. This alerted Reginald and he immediately barged inside. The vase's shattered pieces lay scattered on the floor, along with the flowers the Duchess and Princess had meticulously prepared everyday for the young master.

Weariness and unfamiliarity enveloped the young master like a thick shroud.

"Young master—"

The young master throws the blanket aside, scurrying towards a mirror. Reginald watches quietly, cautious and observing, like the young master was an animal he didn't want to spook unless he risks the young master running away or attacking him.

Usually he'd know which one, prepared for any of his tantrums but right now? He was unsure. The young master never acted like this—even when he was paranoid he didn't have that...that strange look.

The young master stares at his own reflection in pure terror as if he couldn't recognize his own skin.

Reginald brushes the memory off as he raises a hand to knock on the door. "Young master, may I come in?"

A noise. "U-uh, yeah—you may..?"

Reginald frowns for a brief moment before it smooths back into a smile. He pushes the door open and takes in the scene in front of him.

Gillian Estera Perez stood with a disheveled appearance as he stared at the map laid on the table with quiet intensity. Beside him is an open book with a well-drawn picture of a dragon on its text.
Uncertainty lurked on his face.

Books and maps and the young master, all in one frame.

No one would believe Reginald unless they witnessed the scene themselves.

Gillian is infamous for instilling fear with his cruel personality and wild temper. When you picture Gillian, an image of a bloodthirsty monster drenched in blood comes into mind—not a studious young master!

Reginald clears his throat. "I brought you...sweets." He places the plate of strawberry cake in front of the young master, who wordlessly grabs a piece with a fork before pushing the plate away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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