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     Prompt: Can't explain it to you why this is so hilarious. Just laugh.

     The disco ball lit up the dance floor with its multi coloured lights as two bright white lights stayed in one place, on the DJ. He was playing tracks that everyone knew and could dance to. Those not dancing were either by the dimmed bar or sitting around the circular tables scattered around the dance floor. It was loud and crowded getting more and more filler as the night went on and emptier as the morning started to come, until finally the club was closed.
     "Sigh," Carmen said as she picked up her bucket and mop, "another successful night, it seems?"
     "Yip, but good luck with the girls bathroom. Heard from the waitresses last night that there was a disaster in there." Richard, one of her colleagues and close friend, said as he picked up some glasses from the nearby tables.
      "Nothing I can't handle." She replied as she pulled her mask over her mouth and put her gloves on.
      Nothing she can't handle was an understatement. It was worse than cleaning up after a baby with explosive diarrhea and smelt about the same, through the white mask- at least. Dried vomit smelt but it was definitely easier to clean up which made the job go a little bit quicker. Once the girl's bathroom was clean Carmen moved on to the kitchen where she helped wash and pack away the dishes. She seemed to be everywhere and nowhere moving quickly and efficiently around the place- making sure everything was clean.
     "Carmen, can I see you in my office now, please." Her boss requested. He was leaning against the door with his one hand gripping formly around the frame of the door.
     "Yes, boss." She called out to him as she put whatever items she had in her hands down, onto something close. She wiped her sweaty palms against her apron before taking a deep breathe in and out.
      "You asked for me, Sir?" Carmen questioned as she walked in and took a seat.
"Here's your pay check. It was nice having you on board but it's unfortunately time to go our separate ways."
"Your contract has come to an end and I can no longer afford to keep you on staff," Her boss said never looking up at her, "take the money and leave immediately. You have been excused."
     He lifted his hand and waved for her to leave. Carmen picked herself up as well as the envelope and slowly walked to the changing room. Her mouth was wide open as her eyes fought back the tears, she couldn't even raise her head. As she closed the door to the changing room she let a single tear drop fall from her eye.
     "How could he just fire me like that? Doesn't he know how much I work to make sure I kept this job and the two other jobs that I have? Or how I was able to make everything work so that I wouldn't need to quit one?" She murmured to herself as she put her shoes on. By this point a few of her other colleagues had entered into the changing room.
    "Did you hear? The boss just fired someone."
"I wonder who it is..."
     "I hope it's that Carmen chick, she's been getting on my nerves lately." An older colleague of Carmen's complained.
"Ahhhh!?" She yelled as she turned around.
     "Sorry about that... I just really hate when dogs bark for no reason. So, if I were you I would just shut your dirty mouth before you get put in the dog's box." Carmen said as she slowly walked closer to them. Her shoulders were pushed back, her chest was out, and her chin was pointed up. She was going to leave this place with whatever dignity she had left.
     "Y-y-yes, ma'am." The older colleague said as she shook rapidly.
"And just so you know, there's a camera over there in the corner, so you don't even think about filing an assault complaint. Now good day ladies." She turned around and walked out of the room and out of the building.

     "I have about another two hours until my shift at the café," Carmen looked down at her watch, "maybe I should heard over there early and have a cup of coffee or something."
     "Carmen! I'm glad I caught you before you left," Richard said as he ran up to her, "you forgot this."
     "Thank you but this isn't-"
"Bye." Richard replied as he ran back inside before she could finish her sentence.
     He give her back her phone, the money she had just received as well as a brown paper bag. On the bag was writing which said: "Don't forget your daily dose of sweetness!"
     Her eyes lit up at the sight of what was in the bag but soon changed as she noticed the arrival of the bus. She quickly closed the bag and sprinted to the bus stop. She got there in time as the bus doors were about to close. 
     "Thank you." She said as she paid for her bus trip. She found an empty seat close to the back of the bus and took the seat by the window.
     "Aish. Is it couples week or something?" She whispered to herself bitterly. It has been three years now since her boyfriend died and her heart still hasn't recovered from it. She often goes and visit him but lately as the winter months starts to end her work load has increased, now with the exception of one being nonexistent.
     "Is this seat taken?" An elderly lady asked as she gestured to the seat next to Carmen. The lady had short curly grey hair. She was dressed in a white button-up collar shirt with moron cardigan. She also had a navy blue and brown strip shirt which went passed her knee and a light brown pantyhose covering the rest of her legs. Finally she had dark brown closed ankle boots and white sock sticking up from the sides.
     "No. Please sit."
"Ah. Thank you. You are so very kind... I wish my grandson would date someone like you. Lately he has been sleeping around."
     "Grandmother, you shouldn't worry so much about him. You should eat well, sleep well and only worry about your health."
     "Aigoo. Now I really wish my grandson could meet you," The elderly lady said grabbing Carmen's cheeks gently, "gosh! What soft skin you have, you are such a pretty young lady."
     "Thank you grandmother. Oh, this is my stop. I'll go first, okay?" Carmen said as she got up quickly. She waved goodbye to the lady before jumping off the bus.
     "Be safe." Elderly lady said as the doors closed. Carmen smiled sweetly to herself before walking off to the cafè shop. As she walked to the café she ate the chelsea bun which Richard had given her only moments prior.
     The café is a nice small business in a beautiful area. The exterior had a Mocha brown coloured wall and tables while the chairs and banner, which hung over the chairs and tables, were an pastel lime green colour. The interior has the same colour scheme although there was a lot more black and white added.
     "Welcome to Lime. How may I assist you?" The cashier asked with a gentle smile.
     "I'll have one hot chocolate, please."
"That'll be 250, please."
     "It's quite full today. Is there any free seats?" Carmen questioned looking around the room.
     "Oh. Over there at the back." The cashier replied pointing to an open seat at the far side of the café.
     "Thank you." Carmen give the cashier a soft smile before picking up her stuff and sitting down at the empty table.
      *ding ding* *ding ding*
"Huh?" She flipped over her phone and saw a familiar name above the message.
   "One hot chocolate." A male's voice said as he put the cup down in front of her.
     "Whoa. This is so beautiful. Thank you." Carmen said as she looked up at her waiter. Her heart stopped beating for a moment, and she felt as if her eyes were deceiving her.
     "I'm Liam, your waiter. Please don't hesitate to call if you need anything." He smile again and walked off.
     "Don't give me so much power... or else your feet will be sore and so will my bank account."
"Oh nothing, just speaking to myself."
     "Okay." He smiled again and Carmen could feel herself getting lost in her thoughts.
An hour later.

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