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Prompt: Write about the sun and the sea.

She is strong enough to hold you, powerful enough to kill. She is gentle and calm but wild and unpredictable. She is not just a drop of water but a body of water which can leave you thirsty or keep you alive.

He is bright and never seem to dim his light but there too is a cold side to him. He touches each part of her body and sometimes even further. Though, most importantly he brings a sparkle to each part of her.

Their love is forbidden and unthinkable as they are two world’s apart. Never able to touch each other and never able to kiss each other. In the middle of the Ocean laying on the back of a large whale she takes her form, an outline of a woman carved into the salty waters. She stared up at the sky concentrating on finding him. Her first and only love, someone so far out of her reach yet he seemed so close. Her eyes soften at the sight of him while the ends of her lips curled up into a smile, there he was.

The outline of a man carved into the sun from the light which beamed down onto the open gentle flowing water. He reached out his hand and so did she. They were instantly pulled from their prison and meet face to face above the water. Her hair flowed in very which way. His hand caress the air over her head making sure not to touch her or they go back to their eternal prison as sun and sea.

They smiled at each other in happy silence only looking at each other and no one else. They sent only a few moments like this before the heavens returned them back with a rain. If only they had a second longer so that they may have found out with a simple kiss on the lips they would break from their curse and return to a life where they would fall in love with each, over and over again.

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