Meat (4)

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You arrive back into your living room, and, for the first time in about a year, it looks clean. Refreshingly clean. 

CASEY: glub

    > Greet your daughter!

JOHN: hi casey! what is that?

You give your salamander daughter a hug and take a gander at what she has in between her adorable, sticky, slightly slimy, tiny salamander hands. It's...

JOHN: a fedora?
JOHN: where...
JOHN: where did you get this, casey?

Casey stares at you for a moment before blowing a big bubble, allowing it to pop right in your face. She patters her feet in place, drops the hat, and then runs off while you're busy wiping her gooey saliva away. 

JOHN: casey!!!
JOHN: young lady, that was extremely rude!!
JOHN: casey!!!!
JOHN: get-
JOHN: get back here...
JOHN: she's not going to listen to me, is she?

You narrate your own thoughts out loud to fill the sudden void in the room. A little pathetic, as per usual, but not totally degrading. Now, if you were talking to anything other than yourself...

You turn your head to a harlequin on the mantelpiece.

JOHN: what are you looking at, huh?

Totally degrading. 

You stare at the harlequin's mocking expression for a moment and sigh. Your Breath comes back to you, ruffling your hair with a slight coolness. Why did you keep the harlequin around? You had the chance to throw it away earlier... maybe... maybe you kept it because of him. It reminds you so much of when things were simpler. When things were better. When he was still around.

It's been a long time since he died. You were what, fifteen then? Now you're going on twenty three. That means it's been seven years since you last saw your dad.

That's seven years too many. 

JOHN: ...
JOHN: and i thought i was lonely then. 


Sorry for the short chapter! The next one will be longer.

The REAL Homestuck EpiloguesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin