Meat (5)

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    > John: Sit down and cry.



i said nah. you deaf?

    > John: Sit down and cry.

nah. i don't think so. you see, i dont appreciate it when you force my friends to be unhappy. john deserves to be happy, so you can sit your little narrator ass down and shut the fuck up, got that?


good. keep your nose out of our lives. 


you, john egbert, sigh again before picking  yourself up and straightening yourself out. there's no point in dwelling on the past. besides, you swore that you would clean out the house. not for you, but for your dad. you didnt realize that it would be this hard.

JOHN: ex- excuse me...?

you ignore the voice in your head and continue to pull yourself together. maybe this was a bad idea. not the right time to do this. 

JOHN: but- 

especially when you're alone and not bumping some rad beats with a certain friend of yours. youve already seen one light-haired strider relative today, why not visit another? and, youve already cleaned the living room, so that should count for today, right? you can finish some other time. 

JOHN: what?
JOHN: bumping some rad... what-?

john. your door.

JOHN: oh crap- uh- coming!!

you rush to the door, tripping over a few trash bags in the process. 

JOHN: i'm here- i'm here, sorry!!
DAVE: oh hey no sweat dude just checkin up on you
JOHN: dave! what's up? how's- uh- things?
DAVE: shits real good man
DAVE: i was actually wondering if you had a minute
DAVE: got some stuff i wanna talk to you about
JOHN: what do you mean by that?
DAVE: oh yknow
DAVE: things
DAVE: and how they are

dave smiles, crossing his arms while looking at the confused expression on johns face. 

JOHN: oh- yeah, well... come in!

john smiles as well. he steps aside to allow dave to enter, tactically pushing a bag of trash out of the way with his leg. it had been a while since the two guys saw each other. with them ruling two different kingdoms and all, it was kind of inconvenient to be best bros. are they even best bros anymore? dave seems to be hanging out with karkat a lot more than anyone else.

DAVE: damn
DAVE: it looks...
DAVE: good in here
DAVE: clean
JOHN: really? thanks. i've been trying to clean up.
DAVE: just the house?
JOHN: no.
JOHN: my life as well, i guess.
JOHN: i don't really see the point in moping around forever, you know?
DAVE: wow dude
DAVE: look at you
DAVE: all
DAVE: healthy and shit
DAVE: goin out on picnics with actual people
DAVE: im proud of you man
JOHN: hehe, thanks.
JOHN: how is everyone? i feel like its been forever since we've hung out!
DAVE: hell yeah man buddy time 
DAVE: everyones doing swell i guess
DAVE: as swell as they can be i mean
JOHN: what? is something wrong?
DAVE: rose is sick for one
DAVE: jade is
DAVE: well
DAVE: lets just say shes having a rough time right now

john listens intently. when word of his ecto-sister being troubled comes up, he squints, wanting to know more about her situation.

JOHN: what's wrong with her?
JOHN: you live with her, don't you? what's wrong with jade?
DAVE: shes just going through another one of her moods
DAVE: nothing serious
DAVE: just the usual
JOHN: dave, answer me.
JOHN: what's going on with my sister?

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