dark magic

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dark q u i n t e s s e n t i a l force
s h a d o w manipulation

( MATTHIAS CLAUDIUS BLACKWOOD )♟dark q u i n t e s s e n t i a l forces h a d o w manipulation

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he/him : 9teen : ♒️
next generation? or warlock? (idk)

born on the WINTER SOLSTICE dec. 21

— MATTHIAS will not hesitate to set someone in a chokehold if anyone calls him by his real name, that is, if anyone was to know him well enough to say it. matthias goes by either matt or his last name, blackwood. one or the other, not both. he expresses the complete dark side of the standard aquarian: coldhearted, detached, and extremely hostile.

—MATT was not always like this , but stemming from his upbringing , it somehow made sense. matthias's parents died on his sixth birthday while he was in elementary school. little did he know that was the last time he would have a home.
matthias travelled around in the foster care system and growing up he was in and out of houses. being troublesome, unable to "fit in" while always picked on by the other kids, he could never win.

—UNBEKNOWNST to others, matt's attraction to books proved to be stronger than his will to live at some moments. the books proved to be better friends than the people in his life considering how his books never left him.

—AT THE AGE of ten, matt pinched a nerve with the largest kid in his class by means of a witty remark (a comment on the dullness of his brain), and in turn he was dragged in a dark alley by a group of bullies where from the pain of the kicks and the punches by the band of boys emerged his power. matthias's form wavered between human and shadow, enduring the pain but then feeling a sense of tranquility. finally opening his eyes, he realized only one thing in the heat of the moment, the bullies were terrified and he could make people into shadows as well. young matt pulled the four bullies into the shadows, permanently keeping them locked in a shadow form. that was the last day those boys were seen.

— FROM THAT DAY forward, amber alerts and apb's were sent out in hopes of finding the four mysteriously missing boys, but it was to no avail. matt was already being shipped off in the system again, but this time he was able to have his powers on his side, he felt invincible.

—BY THE TENDER age of fourteen, the young teen started high school, he escaped the system but fiddling with some paperwork through sneaking in and filling out papers to make it seem like he was adopted. in reality, matt slept in any house that had a spare room and would hide in the shadows if he heard any noise, he was so careful that he never really knew if he truly slept.

— TWO years later, he managed to have a system of stealing from the grocery and department store at night, sleeping in an apartment that was empty most of the time and going to school so he would have a standing chance in the world. he will never admit it, but he began to only attend for the best thing that's ever happened to him: a sweet girl by the name of sophie. she was his whole world, the details of their relationship are private, but the way it ended haunts him daily.

—AN ARGUMENT struck between the lovers for the first time. the reason of the quarrel was redundant, but matthias's anger was through the roof. he had never been more furious and in that moment, he created something of a dark quintessence force, a powerful beam from the shadows coursing through his veiny arms to create an energy so great to take a life. in a blink of an eye, the power matthias mustered released from his body and targeted kind sophie, killing her instantly.

— THE DETAILS of the said day are only revealed by matthias himself, he refuses to talk about the funeral and never plans to. his feelings have been pushed away ever since. matt works with drug dealers on the streets, using his power to earn extra money, being an asset in his dark community. he yearns to escape but has no reason to, he cannot be saved.

— MATTHIAS lives his life sleeping around with anyone he deems worthy, by anyone he means as long as they are similar to his coffee, he takes it. he is filled with hostility, extremely reckless, and never apologizes for what he does. to leave him on a high note: he proves to be loyal, he won't turn his back on his dealers.

"i like my girls how i like my coffee: hot, blonde, and slutty

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"i like my girls how i like my coffee: hot, blonde, and slutty."

coffee ; cigarettes ; occasionally a good psychedelic ; reading complex books (astrophysics) ; solitude, not loneliness

electricity (weakness) ; reminders of his past ; supermarkets ; kittens ; kindness ; anyone who wants more than sex

PLAYED BY dylan o'brien | new magic wand

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