in between the blink of an eye

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sophia maria goodwin

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sophia maria goodwin


sophia's journey begins when she is twenty years old. she is a straight female.


portal teleportation ;; sophia has the ability to teleport herself and others at will

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portal teleportation ;; sophia has the ability to teleport herself and others at will. sophia can teleport large masses, including sizable groups of people. furthermore, she can also use her powers in a destructive manner by teleporting only parts of objects. she can open portals that displace projectiles and even enemies that threaten her. however, ability is unavailable until universe deems her as ready — or so she thinks.

teleportation ;; sophia is able to move across the material world and to other parts of the multiverse. under a future education by dr. strange, sophia will become more proficient with this ability and could Travel to other worlds.

astral projection ;; sophia is capable of separating his astral form from her physical form, gaining access to the astral plane.

time traveller ;; sophia can travel through time as her family bloodline is the only species that can handle the unstable energy from the time stone — granting her full access to time travel. ability unavailable due to universal imbalance caused by her mother.


sophia has always and will always be the brightest girl in the room

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sophia has always and will always be the brightest girl in the room. she appears to be untouchable, nothing can get through her strong wit. because of this, she has an undeniable passion for learning and her curiosity has no boundaries.

clean cut and clear was the way to go. sophia seemed to be completely logical in all standards. she ran by her head and not her heart, promising herself she wouldn't turn out like her mother — although her mother was extremely reckless not exactly heartless.

sophia is the name and independence is the game. everything she did was on her own, she taught herself how to cook, clean, and disciplined herself as her mother was careless in raising her. all the problems were solved by her, she would not accept any help unless she was collaborating with someone in a group effort in which she was the boss. she had no help and never wanted help, she wanted to figure it out alone. ( but is she ever truly alone? not until bucky comes around )

her mother accidentally got pregnant by a man in another earth in the multiverse. sophia never met her father so she took on her mother's last name. her mother was rarely home (always out in different dimensions partying, then promising to show sophia how she used her powers), and when she was, she would shower the young girl with sickly sweet love which sophia completely rejected. even she understood real love was sacrifice.

due to the lack of true affection she received, she never seemed to learn how to reciprocate and connect with another person. she knew how to imitate other and their emotions but didn't understand how to feel.

sophia's mother, maria, used her powers recklessly. the ancient one was not a big fan of her, in fact, she'd try to keep sophia under her supervision in hopes she would not turn out like maria. sophia's mother threw off the balance many times in which the masters of mystic arts had to fix but no matter what, the mistakes caught up with maria.

when sophia was 17, maria became terminally ill, the years finally caught up to her and her so did her reckless mistakes. maria profusely apologized to sophia, but at this point, sophia could see right through her lies. apologizing for never teaching her more like 'i'm sorry that i'm not sorry for hogging my powers and never teaching you how to use yours.' but sophia clearly understood how selfish her mother was, in fact she was furious and frustrated that she made her this way. she tried to show pity for her mother on her deathbed, but seeing her die a slow and painful death seemed appropriate to sophia because deep down she was miserable without an actual family. three months later maria passed.

sophia never slept well. ever since she was a kid and when her mother died, it only worsened. sophia thought with all of her mother's dumb decisions, her debts were paid, but apparently they were transferable. sophia's dreams were nightmares of being a prisoner to time itself, the dreams were never clear but she could feel dread burning in her heart if she didn't try to do something. she didn't even know what that thing was. it has been eating her alive so she studies so hard in physics and any type of science that could get her the answer she could be looking for to be free, to be happy, to be fulfilled.



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croissants and carrot cake. figuring out problems. snow white and the seven drawfs. engineering greener and energy effective devices. science fairs. cloud watching in the summertime.

sleeping. nosy and obnoxious people. know-it-all's (even though she is one, she doesn't act like one). boiled vegetables.



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"power doesn't come from talent. it comes from pain."

"nobody likes a smartass..."

sleepycigars | bucky barnes ind rp

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