Chapter 1

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Finally, my night has come. I, Clarissa Morgenstern, preferably known as Clary Fairchild would be running away. I am 18 years old and have been planning on running away for a really long time. And when I say a long time I mean a long time. I have been planning since I was about 5 and that was 13 years ago.

I live in a shit hole. My father Valentine, he was seen as both the savior and the villain of the Shadowhunters. Honestly whoever See's him as a saviour has a mental problem. He has tried to kill all down workers on many different occasions.

Then my lovely brother Jonathan, he is probably worse than Valentine. He actually could destroy the Down world. He's still training so he's not quite ready yet, he also has demon blood and wants demons to take over which kinda conflicts with Valentine. But he's an attention whore so i don't think he really cares.

I quietly ran up the creaky wooden stairs up to my bedroom. I checked my brother, Sebastian's room first. I opened his door and found his sleeping body sprawled out on the dark sheets of his bed. He had his sword in his hand because he always sleeps with one, which is pretty weird but you get used to seeing him like that. He also has a bunch of daggers hidden all over his room.

Then I ran to my Father's room. I opened the door with a creek and poked my head in. I saw the ruthless, cruel, bloodthirsty face of my father. Even in sleep, he is a monster. The room was covered in Weapons and photos of my mother and me and some photos of my brother. But not many.

I snuck in and went to his dresses where his stele laid. I carefully picked it up and tip toed out of his room careful to avoid any of the loose floor boards. I creeped out of the room and back down to hall.

I walked back to my room and packed a bag. I put everything I owned in the bag so that my family couldn't track me with angelic magic. I changed my clothes and put on a black t-shirt, black jeans, knee-high boots, and a leather jacket around my waist.

I put on my fingerless gloves, and grabbed two daggers and put them on my belt and a whip around my wrist with a sword at my waist. I strapped three belts on my stomach. One had throwing daggers the other had regular daggers and the other had, Sie. I also had little sticks attached to it that could turn into any weapon by my will.With Valentine's stele I activated my anti-tracking rune again with Valentine's stele I drew the portal Rune and pushed it in front of me. The glowing gold swirl formed and I looked around me before jumping in.

Clarissa Morgenstern, Running away from homeWhere stories live. Discover now