Chapter 7

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After I had finished training I ran to my room. I'm sick of being treated like I'm the monster's daughter. Even though, in some ways I am. But I'm also the daughter of Jocelyn Fairchild. I wish I wasn't a Shadowhunter sometimes I wish I wasn't raised like I was. But I can't change that, so I guess I have to figure out how to make people trust me. And if they don't, well that their problem, not mine.

I looked at the clock. It said that it was 7:30 time for dinner. I hope that the foods here or else I'm going to kick their asses again. I put on a long blue t-shirt and grey-ish jeans. I also put on a black jacket and 7-inch ankle heels. I grabbed a seraph blade and put 4 daggers in my shoes. Thank God for disguises. I walked down the hall and into the kitchen. Inside I found my least favorite person. Jonathan Morgenstern or Sebastion Morgenstern.

Also known as my personal hell. Of course, I hate him and he "loves" me. Well, whatever you call him trying to kiss his own sister. We would fight and he could beat me but I could beat him too. Just it would take a pretty long time. So I prefer not to fight him, anything to get away from Valentine and I'm happy. I fakely smiled at him and said: "what are you doing here sweet brother". He smirked at me and said, "well father wants you to take over this institute". My sickly sweet smile faded and was replaced with a frown. I said, "Well I'm afraid you'll have to find another maid to do that for you".

He frowned as well and said "you know there was a point where you loved to help us" I felt like slapping him "yeah when I was 10 and you somehow got it into my mind that your way was the correct way, well not anymore". I took out a dagger, put it to his neck and said: "Now get out of my way, my Pizzas here". I stomped past him into the kitchen grabbed my pizza then grabbed Sebastion by the collar and dragged him back to the streets and said: "you are no longer welcome here, bye bye bitch".

I then walked back into the institute and took the pizza into my room and ate the entire thing. After I finished it was night so I decided to fall asleep. It took me a while seeing as I was still thinking about the millions of ways to kill Sebastion. I took a deep breath and tried to clear my head which was nearly impossible. Somewhere in that time, I had fallen asleep and welcomed the darkness like an old friend.

The next morning I stood up and felt like falling back asleep again but luckily I didn't. I got out of bed and put on a black spandex and a red sports bra, then I walked to the training room. I jumped up onto the beam and started to work on my Ariels while practicing my other moves, somewhere during that time Jace walked in and started to practice himself. He walked up to me and said "wanna spar" I nodded and smiled. Maybe they can accept me and His daughter.

Clarissa Morgenstern, Running away from homeWhere stories live. Discover now