Welcome to Winterfell your Grace

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It's cold outside, not as cold as usual. It's freezing. The wind blows peaceful in the morning light and the sun can't shine through the big, fluffy and dark grey clouds in the sky. The coldness is getting through every coat, no matter which kind no matter how thick. The people are surrounding the east gate of Winterfell. They are waiting for their King to come back. They are waiting to their King, to bring help against the Dead.
A deafening noise is breaking through the clouds, through the silence in the morning light. It's getting through the blood, the fine hairs at their arms are standing even more than through the freezing cold. A woman cries out, she points on something in the sky. There he is, even more enormous and frightening than ever. His black body is crossing through the clouds and his red reflects are shining like steaming blood, falling from the sky like bloody flames. His brother behind him is screaming as loud as hundreds of shadow wolves could scream. His green and golden body is shining like a wildfire flame and it looks like he's grown in the time since they lost their brother behind the wall. It seemed, that they're also preparing for the battle which will come, sooner than they thought. Some of the people are running for their lives, others were just standing there, watching those majestic creatures breaking through the sky.
There they come, Jon Snow on his black warhorse prancing on the way to the gate. He looks serious as always, with a hint of mistrust in his almost black eyes. He is insecure, how the people would react to the fact that he kneeled for his Queen. She is right beside him, beautiful as always. Her hair is shining silver and golden in the lights of the snow and the sun, which is still trying to get through the clouds. "What is it, why are they..." Dany tries to find the right words. "Because they are northern people, and we trust no strangers." Jon whispers back. Dany looks at him right into his dark eyes, her voice is too nervous to speak. She is not used to know the feeling of being pushed away from her people. Her people love her they adore her for rescuing them. But the people here in the north are different. Right behind Jon and Dany, Greyworm and Missandei are riding on their horses. They are also confused by the looks of the people around them. Dany's and Jon's entourage is right behind Greyworm. Tyrion, Jorah, Varys, Sir Davos, Gendry, Clegane, the Unsullied, the Dothraki, the Wildlings. They are following their Queen. Arriving in the great yard, Sansa and Bran are waiting for their brother. Arya isn't there yet, she is probably running among the wall to watch the Dragons. Jon helps his Queen off the horse. He holds her hand, tight and with a deep look in her eyes. Dany smiled. She liked the way he looks at her, because it made her feel warm in this cold, dark place, in this freezing, deathly times. Jon leads his Queen to his sister "This is Daenerys Targaryen, first of her name, mother of dragons, rightful heir to the iron throne." Sansa looks at her, staring at her beautiful face "Welcome to Winterfell my Grace.", while she makes an elegant bow to her new Queen. Bran interrupts the ceremony "We don't have time for that. They have your dragon and they are coming."
In the great hall they are standing around a huge table, with the map of Winterfell on it. Brienne, Podrick, Bran, Sansa, Arya, Jorah, Greyworm, Jon, Daenerys, Missandei, Tyrion, Gendry, Clegane, Davos, Lyanna Mormont, Samwell and a lot of other Lords were standing around it. "They are coming. They already came through the wall. We need to prepare and we need more allies. What is about your friends in Mereen, my Queen?" points Bran to Daenerys. "It's not possible, they need to stay there. They have to protect Dragonsbay, I can't risk to lose them." she gives back. "This is not a game this is about live and death for all of us. There will be no "later" if we will not do anything to destroy the army of the dead." Jon brings in, with his tormented undertone. "I do understand this, otherwise why do you think I am here and not in Kings Landing to get what is rightfully mine?" she gives back at him, while looking around the faces in the room. "We have not enough men to win this war, but we have a chance if we get close enough to the night king!" Bran added. They were arguing a long time, almost the half of the day but they
couldn't convince Daenerys to bring Daario with the second sons to the north. Also they would have not enough time. They had to send a raven immediately, so they could come in time before the dead are here. They discussed how the preparation is going about the second and third wall beyond Winterfell. They have create more walls to have more space to fight. The third wall is directly in confrontation with the dead. Commanded by Sir Davos, the people on this wall have to shoot fireballs against the dead and behind this wall there will stand a huge number of Dothraki and Wildlings. Behind them, there is the second wall commanded by Jorah Mormont. He will be responsible for the possibility to retreat if necessary. Behind the second wall there will fight the Unsullied and the Northmen. They will also have backing from the last wall, commanded by Berick Dondarrion. Winterfell will be inside protected by the other houses of the north. Bran will be brought to a secret place, far away behind Winterfell. A place where dragons can fly and land. A place where a huge number of iron men can fight to protect him because the night king will come for him. Also Arya will stay by Bran, she will fight with Nymeria and her pack by her side to protect him. Daenerys is snapping for air. Her blood is boiling inside her veins, she can't even breathe anymore longer in this room so she ends the discussion and leaves the room. She tumbles down the cold stone stairs with one hand on the walls, trying to get some balance. At the last stair, she thought she would fall because she just lost the strength in her legs but there was someone holding her arm "What is happening? Are you ok?" Jon asks her with concerned eyes. "It's ok, I just need some air." "You don't look ok, so tell me what is going on?" he asks her again. "I need some air, come with me." she whispers to him, while looking in the sky. They walked through the streets of Winterfell along the wall, outside the north gate. The snow under their feet crunches by every step. They walk along a big forest where all the trees are full with snow and ice. It is so cold but Daenerys likes it, it's giving her the feeling of being alive. Jon looks at her, all the way. He lost himself in her eyes, until they stop at a big rock at a little river. Suddenly Rhaegal flies over them, Jon recognized him immediately because of his green color. Drogon is landing right in front of them spreading his wings and screaming so loud that they would probably hear him in Winterfell. Daenerys is getting on his back, while smiling on Jon. Rhaegal lands right next to him spreads one wing down on the frozen ground. "What, do you think I am climbing on a dragon? No way!" he almost yelled at her. "I did so too, when I was a young little girl, so come on." Daenerys conquered. Jon looks at Rhaegal, stretches out one arm to his enormous head. Rhaegal is pressing his mouth against Jon's leather gloves. He is carefully walking around the head of this beautiful beast and climbs over his wing above his back.
"Valahd." Daenerys almost whispered and the dragons began to fly. They were flying among mountains, rivers, frozen lakes until they landed by a lake which wasn't frozen at all. He looked like a mirror. But it was just such silent water, that it only looked like it was not frozen. Daenerys and Jon were climbing off the dragons and the dragons were flying away.
Daenerys stands upon the frozen mirror, watching herself in this magical ice. Jon steps beside her, now they are together in the picture. He kisses her neck and pushes her tightly against his chest. "I was never thinking of finding love again. I always thought my only love I would give to my children." She looks into the sky, where Drogon and Rhaegal were flying in circles around them. "You were wrong." Jon whispers. He kisses her again, but this time on her lips, it felt like ice on fire. It was like a flame touching a frozen sea. They were not cold anymore. It was like they were on fire, on fire in ice. Nothing could have been more pure and more real to them at this moment. The time stands still, Jon takes off her coat while kissing her hard but also soft. She bites him in the lips, when she began to take off his clothes too. They fall into the snow, naked and vulnerable. Pure, just flesh burning in the snow.
"We just could stay here, for... Forever." she breathes into Jon's ears. Jon kisses her again, passionate and with tears in his eyes.
Drogon and Rhaegal are landing on a rock behind the two. They have already taken on their clothes again and they wanted to go back now. They don't really wanted this but they had to. "Sometimes, duty is the death of love" Jon said. Back in the air Dany smiles over to Jon, when Rhaegal abruptly made an enormous turn in the sky. Jon couldn't almost hold himself on the back of Rhaegal when he realized what happened "The Dead!" he shouted at Dany. "Fly! Fast!" she screamed back. Under them, a huge group of white walkers one of them bringing the commander another spear made of ice. A spear like the one, which killed her child behind the wall. She screams and she cries at the same time. Daenerys flies directly in the focus of the commander with the ice spear, but in the last second she turns Drogon away and flies fast as hell behind Jon and Rhaegal. A last look to this group of walkers let her tears fall down, heavy as stones.

The last War- Game of Thrones FanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora