Valar Morghulis

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Something is coming, outside the woods in the front of the third wall. It sounds like crashing snow and ice on the ground. It's too dark to see anything, the air is full with emotions of rage, fear and death. Sir Davos commands a boy next to him to shoot an burning arrow in front of them, so they could see who is coming. Nothing. It's too dark. He shoots a second arrow, for maybe two seconds Davos saw something, something like hooves, is it a rider? The boy shoots another arrow. It is a rider, a woman with a red dress. She is riding in front of the third wall, the torches are shining into her beautiful face, her red hair is falling upon her shoulders. It's Melisandre, she looks right into Davos face but he is serious and he don't want to let her in. She is getting of her horse and she considers the moat, filled with oil around the wall. Carefully, she lays her hands upon the straw in it then she is talking in high valyrian. She repeats it, time for time. All over again she's getting louder with her voice. Davos isn't sure about what she is doing, he looks insecure to the other wall but in the second, when he turns back in her direction an enormous flame is coming out of the moat. It's filling the wall with light and red flames, flames like dancing blood. "Open the gates..." Davos screams to the men at the gate.
While she is passing through the battlefields and through the walls, she stops right in front of the blood rider of the dothraki. She surrounds his sword with her hands, again she talks in high valyrian for a couple of time. Out of nothing, the blade is burning in red flames and so every blade of the Dothraki are going to rise in fire. Before she passes the first wall, she stops for a moment. She looks up right into Berick's face "Valar Morghulis." "Valar Dohaeris." he gives back to her.
There they come. They couldn't see anything, but the noise can't be missed. It's like thousands of dying humans. They are running, fast and they are screaming, louder than the Dothraki. Their noises are so terrifying, that even Jorah gets a cold shiver along his back. They are coming. Now they can see them more than thousands running in a massive horde jumping into the flames, piling up upon another trying to get over the third wall. Davos commands immediately to pull the catapults with the massive fireballs but it is not enough to hold them behind the wall. The first deads are climbing above the wall, when something like an explosion is to hear over them in the sky. Rhaegal is spitting a storm of fire upon the deads, Jon is sitting on his back watching them burn in the ice when he recognizes a sharp noise coming up to him. It's a spear made of ice, like the one which killed Viserys. They dodge and the spear is flying over the clouds. Jon is trying to see something but there is too much smoke and it's so dark. Drogon comes out of a black cloud over them he spits an enormous fire wall upon the dead and upon the commander with the next spear of ice in his hands. But when the smoke disappears, the spear is flying directly in Drogons direction, Daenerys could turn away in the last second. The commander is still standing there, smiling when something hits his chest and he shatters into thousands of ice pieces. Tormund is standing on the third wall, holding an arc in his hands. Now he smiles to Jon before he continues to kill the walkers on the wall. Rhaegal is spitting fire into the masses of dead but it seem like there are coming a lot more of them out of the woods. Daenerys is flying behind Winterfell, she wants to get the Nightking on her dead child. The deads already overcome the wall, so Davos wanted his men to retreat behind the second wall, when something hits his back. He turns around, he took a deep breath but the ax in his back cut deep trough his lungs and they filled with blood before he falls down in the mud. Tormund saw him fallen "Retreat! Retreat! Back to the second wall!" The last Dothraki and Wildlings are running to the second wall, where Jorah and some men were opening the gate. Rhaegal floods the battlefield between the third and the second wall with fire but it seems there would be no end. They are coming, always more and more. They arrive also at the second wall, Jorah is fighting against a commander of the death, he gets hit by him but he can kill him and he shatters and with him, minimum hundred white walkers are shattering too.
Beyond Winterfell Bran is surrounded by the wolves. Arya is standing in front of him, ready to fight. Daenerys and Drogon are showing up over them in the almost clear winter night. When there would be no echo of the screams, it almost would be beautiful in the shine of the moon. But the silence is interrupt by a terrifying scream, a Dragonscream. Viserys is reaching Drogons body, snapping in Dany's direction, trying to catch her. Drogon screams again, not out of pain, out of rage. He defends his mother with all of his power, he hurts Viserys badly in his throat, the blue icefire is streaming out of the wound but he won't stop. Again, Viserys tries to get Daenerys, his own mother. But in the second he almost got her, something pulls him away. Rhaegal comes out of nowhere, grabs Viserys at his back and tears him to the ground. The Nightking falls down, also Jon. He couldn't breathe for a minute or two, but he had to get up, because the Nightking was coming for him.
Rhaegal and Viserys were fighting on the ground when Drogon catches Viserys at his tail and put him up in the sky again. Rhaegal was hurt, he needed a minute to rest so he flew away. Drogon and Viserys are still fighting in the sky, it is an epic picture those majestic creatures in the shine of the moon in an icecold winter night. Their flames, Drogons red like fresh blood flooding the sky against Viserys icefire flame, blue as an ocean. Jon pulls out longclaw and the fight between him and the Nightking begins.

"I can't sit here longer when my Queen is risking her life out there." Tyrion says to Sansa in the crypt. "Sometimes doing nothing is the hardest thing to do." she gives back. He smiles "I will not sit here, I will do something." He stands up, walks to the door and takes a deep breath "Sometimes being a hero is the better thing to do."
He walks outside the crypt, gets up on the first wall. The deads are already in the last battlefield. The most of the Dothraki are dead, the Unsullied are bravely fighting beside the left Wildlings and Northmen. Also Jorah has left his position on the second wall, there is no wall at all left to stay on. They truly are fighting against the death.
Brienne is falling, there are too many of them and the ground is covered with bodies and blood. Podrick tries to get her up, when he gets catched by a walker. The dead pulls him away falls over him but Podrick is able to kill him. But he was not able to be back by Brienne's side in time. As she was on the ground, another commander of the deaths pulls his ice spear in her chest. She closes her eyes and dies. Podrick runs into the commanders direction, he fights him it's an epic fight and he kills him. A lot of the walkers shatter with him. Tormund is fighting like a bear. He screams and yells at his men "Hold this gate! We have to hold this gate!"
Tyrion leaves the wall and walks beyond Winterfell and he could see Drogon fighting with the ice dragon in the sky. Rhaegal was flying over him, but where is Jon. He couldn't see Jon anywhere. Tyrion closes his eyes. His mind is full with emotions his blood is pulling and boiling into his veins. He thinks about how he could do something to help. Rhaegal lands direct in front of him. He roars direct into his face before he leans his wing on the ground, like he would allow Tyrion to ride him. "Sometimes being a hero is the better thing to do." He whispers and climbs carefully on Rhaegals back. Rhaegal starts in the sky, Tyrion is thinking about where he wants to fly and Rhaegal is doing exactly what he asks for.
Jamie is fighting in front of the first wall, it's terrible and bloody. There are too much of them but when they retreat now, Winterfell will fall soon so they have to hold on. He tries to kill a commander of the deaths when he stumbles upon a body on the ground. It's Brienne, the commander smiles and raises his hands. The bodies are moving they stand up again with blue eyes even Brienne. Jamie fights against her he pulls his sword into her belly and screams. In this second, a surge of fire appears upon them. When Jamie could open his eyes again, he sees his brother Tyrion sitting on this toxic green dragon saving all those people. Tyrion saves a lot of people, a lot of his friends, the living.
The dead are already arriving on the secret place where Bran was hidden. Theon and the iron men are fighting a horde of them, when Theon was badly wounded by one of them. Nymeria is running into this horde, she kills at least five of them when one strikes his ax into her belly. She screams out, but it's directly over for her. Arya fights against a commander of the deaths. She fights like an assassin, willing to die to protect her brother. The last wolves are also fighting against some walkers when Bran's eyes are changing into white.

He walks on an ice field, empty and silent. No one is there only Bran. He walks until he arrives at a house, near to a forest. The door is open, the fireplace is still glowing. On the ground, there lays a doll made of strow. The ground begins to freeze, the air is cold as nothing he felt before. He turns around. A man is standing in the door, he has ice blue eyes.

Bran opens his eyes he sees how the Nightking and Jon are fighting. Jon is faster but the Nightking has more power. Daenerys is still up in sky, fighting with her dead child. Bran tries it again, his eyes change into white.

Now he stands directly in front of Jon, he fights against him. Jon is already badly wounded on his left arm. The blood is pulsing out of the deep cut. Bran holds the sword of ice, he fights against his brother. He steps beside, his strength leaves his arms and the frozen sword sinks for only a second and Jon pushes longclaw deeply in his body.

Bran opens his eyes, he screams because he felt the pain the Nightking felt when Jon broke through his frozen rips. He looks after his brother, but he is not there where he was before. The Nightking is gone, and the walkers around them are shattering too. Also Viserys is shattering. A deafening bawl is breaking through the night. Daenerys is crying but with a hint of a smile. Her child is free now and he can finally find peace. A teardrop is falling from her cheek, when she looks to the ground. Her heart stopped for a moment, when she saw Jon. He lays in the snow, covered in his own blood.

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