We deserve to be free

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We deserve to be free
"You have no right to stand here and request freedom. My brother and I were talking a lot of times, how we would kill the one who killed our father in cold blood. So, what exactly are you hoping to get from me?" Daenerys eyes are full of fire, her body rages. "I, I did it for my family. I would do it again, for my family." Jamie answers. He continues "He would have killed thousands of innocents he would have killed a whole city! What exactly should I do? I had to stop him. And I would stop him, again." "Enough! In my opinion we should burn you directly, alive. But I want to hear what you have to say." Daenerys looks to Sansa, to Arya, to Bran, to Jon. No one says a word. Tyrion stands up "I know my Queen, that he did kill your father. But I know he is good. My brother is a good man and he decided to fight by your side, not by Cersei's. He decided to fight for the living, he chose you as his Queen, even when it meant to let his own Queen fall." Tyrion brings up. "I would also say, that this is a good man." Brienne begins. "He saved me, he lost his hand because of me. I would vouch for him, my Queen."
"And what says the north to this?" Daeny sharply requests. "The north believes in Lady Brienne. She saved my life I will trust her until the end." Sansa added. "So it's decided." Daenerys stands up and leaves the room.
When Daenerys went outside the hall, she breathes in. Deeply, like it would be the last breath she ever would take. She can't believe what she did right now but she also has other feelings to deals with. While she was thinking about the news she got to know today, she was interrupted by a loud horn outside the walls. It was the horn of the wildlings, Tormund was going to look after some Lords and houses who hasn't shown yet. Jon is welcoming him at the gate "Did you found them?" "Yes." Tormund replies. "But they are one of them now. We had to walk around them, they are coming. Tomorrow."
"It's late, you should get some rest." a clear voice speaks to Dany "I know. But it feels like I have slept for thousands of years." she answered. Sansa takes Dany's hand "Come with me, let's have a drink." Dany and Sansa are going to the kitchen "When I was younger, I came here with Arya and we tried the summer wine of Westeros. It was so sweet, you want to try one?" Sansa offers Dany a glass "Exactly what I needed right now." They were sitting there, for hours talking about Kings Landing, about Daenerys first husband and marriage, about Sansa's first marriage. They were talking about a lot they've been through. The last theme was Jon "He makes me feel like I am a normal girl, a normal person. He loves me for what makes me who I am, not only for who I am. He protects me, he respects me. I just have never loved a man like him before." Dany says it in a tone full of emotions. She truly loves him, but it hurts her still what she got to know today. "What happens, when this is all over? What do you want to do?" Sansa asks. "I will rule." Dany answers. "What about the north? You know, the north is like me. He was treated badly from men. He was raped, he was abused and also his people. His people deserve better, they deserve to be free. We deserve to be free." Sansa looks at Dany, her eyes on fire.
"We will..." Dany couldn't speak what she wanted to because Yohn Rois interrupted her "I am sorry my Queen, my Lady but you should go to Jon. The Dead, they are coming." It was morning already, they've talked all night.
While Daenerys prepares for the battle, the women and children also the old ones are getting into the crypt of Winterfell. It's the safest place to be and Daenerys had demanded that Tyrion should also go in there. She would need him after this war. He did as he was commanded. Also Missandei is going down there, also Sansa and also Gilly and the little Samwell are going down there. Meanwhile the troops are getting ready to fight. It is early in the morning but it's darks outside as it is night. The deepest night, they've ever seen.
Everyone is taking their places. Davos on the third wall, commanding the men to tension the catapults with the balls drain into oil. The Dothraki are standing behind him, also the Wildlings leaded by Tormund. The Dothraki are screaming and yelling, ready to die for their Queen. Tormund is talking to his people they join the screams next to them, also ready to fight for their freedom. Behind them is the second wall, commanded by Jorah, he is talking with the archers and with the men which are responsible to open the gate when they have to retreat. He's got backing of the Unsullied, in their front Greyworm and besides them the Northmen, between them is Brienne and by her side Podrick and Jamie Lennister, Samwell and Edd. And on the first wall there is Berick with Sandor the hound with backing of all the rest of the north, also Lyanna Mormont is here to fight beside her men. This army is bigger than Cersei's. They are massive, enormous, frightening. But also are the white walkers and you can see, that some of the warriors are frightened of them. Their eyes are full with fear, their body language shows insecurity, vulnerability but they will fight, until it's over. They all have something in common, what is not about power or wealth. It is about surviving, fighting against the Death, fighting for the living. Bran is already where he needs to be, Arya is directly by his side surrounded by the pack of wolves from Nymeria. Also Theon and the iron men are staying at Bran's side to protect him, no matter the cost. Jon and Daenerys are riding together to a quiet place behind the wall. Drogon and Rhaegal are waiting for them. After they get off the horses, Jon takes Dany's arm "We will survive this, we will do it together!" Dany looks sadly, almost depressed "We will, hopefully."

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