It changes nothing

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Back in Winterfell Bran and Arya are already waiting for them "I have to talk to you. There is something you should know." Jon is insecure looking to Daeny. "We also have to talk to you, we've se..." Jon begins, but Bran interrupts him "You've seen the walkers. I know. You have seen how close they are. But we already know that. I have to talk to you about something different. Something what will get a meaning when we will survive this war." he goes on. Arya takes Bran by his wheel chair and starts to go in the direction of the god woods. They are not talking on the way, until they are standing before the tree with the heart leaves "Jon, our father never told you who your mother was and that with a good reason." now Jon interrupts Bran "What are you talking about? What do you know?" Bran continues "I won't talk too much, we have not enough time for this as you know. You are not the son of Ned Stark, you are the son of Liana Stark, his sister. And your father is Rhaegar Targaryen. You've never been a Stark bastard." "Where do you know this from?" asks Dany. "I know it, because I was there, when he was born. I know it, because Samwell found the story of their wedding in a book written from an old maester." Bran wanted to go on but Dany interrupts him "What do you mean, their wedding. If they were married,... This means he is..." she stopped, looked into Jon's eyes searching for something, something else than that she was already thinking about when Bran goes on with his story "...the marriage before was anulled. Liana and Rhaegar married. This means he is the rightful heir to the iron throne. His name isn't Jon Snow, his name is Aegon Targaryen." "That's impossible... It can't be true." Jon is looking to Dany, as he would betray her. "It is true." Bran says. Dany is walking slowly to the little lake in the gods wood. She stands upon the frozen water, searching for herself in the ice but there is too much snow over the little lake. Jon steps beside her, carefully like he was by Rhaegal earlier on this day. She looks at him, she looks deeply in his eyes. Her eyes are telling how she feels right now. Lost, broken, betrayed. She loves him, but this changes everything.
Arya steps closer. She takes Bran with his wheel chair "We need to go to talk about a new plan. As Bran told us they are coming sooner than we thought. Now we have no time anymore to call for help in Mereen." Daenerys is standing like a statue. Just because of her proud, they have not enough men to fight this war. And now, her one and true love is her nephew? How could that be possible. Why is this happening right now? They were so happy, but now it is destroyed. Like everything will be destroyed soon. Arya and Bran left the gods wood. So there is only Daenerys and Jon, still standing at the frozen lake covered in snow. The sky is getting darker, it's also getting colder. Dany's eyes fill with tears. Jon is standing close to her, holding her hand, like he would need her to stay in balance. His heart is racing, his mind is over floating, his breath is filled with fire. "It changes nothing between you and me. I can't let this get between us, I love you Dany. I really do. And I don't care about a stupid throne, I just want to have you. I just want to have peace and a live, so it means we have to fight together in this war and in the wars which will come." Jon holds Dany's hand tighter. She looks at him, but her eyes are empty.

In Kings Landing the message has arrived that the great wall has fallen. The preparations for the war against Daenerys are going well. The Golden Company has arrived and they are bringing more than 20.000 men also over thousand elephants. The Lennister army is preparing well too. They are in best shape, ready to fight for their house and for their Queen. The troops are preparing the walls with scorpions and they are training for the battle.
It's a massive army and if Jon and Daenerys will survive the war against the Dead, they need much men to defeat Cersei's army too. Kings Landing has become strong, a strong force. They will not easily surrender not even with the power of dragons. All around the walls are scorpions, much more powerful than the old one, which Jamie and Bronne used to try to kill Drogon. Cersei is watching out of her chamber, while talking to Qyburn "They won't win this war, so we have to prepare for what they'll left of the dead." "My Queen..." Qyburn begins "When the north falls against the Dead, we will too. So maybe you should think about getting away with a ship until it's over." Cersei laughs "They maybe will defeat the Dead, but they won't be able to attack this force after it. They probably will die in battle. All of them. And if not, I will burn them all. The supplies of wildfire are enough to kill the rest of them. And the dragons will die through the scorpions. And your warriors, the ones who could not die, they will save a lot of us, believe me. Just think about hundreds of Sir Gregor, they won't be able to die by a sword. So let's drink and celebrate, while our soldiers do their jobs."
They are having a celebration this night and Cersei is very drunk. She ends up with Euron in bed. After it's done she sits on a chair in her chamber, talking to him "I want you to go to Dragonstone with your fleet, welcome this silver bitch with the scorpions after they survive the war in the north." "As you wish my Queen. I will bring you the heads of this beasts." he answered.

Meanwhile Theon has attacked the ship in which his sister Yara was kept on. He saved her after killing almost everyone on this ship with the best warriors he has. Yara wants to go home, to get her throne back. After it she will come back to help Dany in the last war.

"Daario, my true friend. I hope it's going well in Mereen and the Dragonbay, I hope you can realize what I wished for. Maybe this is the last message you will get from your Queen. I wanted this throne so much, but maybe we will all die soon so, there will be no one left to sit on it. But if we survive, I will need you. I will need your help, so meet me in Dragonstone. You should get some troops together, if we survive this, we will see us soon.
Be careful.
Dany rolls the paper carefully and gives it to a young boy, who shall send it to Daario Naharis. As the boy closes the door, someone knocks. "My Queen, you should come. There is someone...I will be by your side." Jorah says, with a serious hint in his eyes. Dany is a bit scared, but she stands up and follows him upstairs to the great hall.
Sansa, Arya, Jon, the lords and ladies of the north and also Sir Davos and Brienne are waiting for their Queen. In the middle of the room stands a tall man. He is totally wet and dirty, his hair is golden under the mud. Green eyes, a golden hand. Jamie Lennister.

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