Jealous boys & broken lamps

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I paced around the small hotel room. Liv wasn't here, and she wasn't in the building.

"Noah I'm here." Liv said.

I stood up and hugged her, "Where'd you go??"

"Out with Parker."

She began to ramble on about her day with him, I sat there hiding my anger.


"Yes babe— I mean Liv."

She giggled, then sat across from me on her bed, "How was your day?"

"Ok, would've been better if I saw you more." I smiled winking.

She licked her lips then walked away.

"Is it something I said?" I yelled.

"Noah..last time we were this flirty we ended up..."

"But it was nice." I smirked.

She rolled her eyes, "That's why I wouldn't date you!"

"Because I like flirting with you??" I yelled.

She slammed the bathroom in my face, "No! Because you're TOO flirty!"

"Well I'm sorry I just like being affectionate!"


"Oh come on!"

"We all know if I went out with you, YOU WOULD CHEAT ON ME!!" She screamed.

I sighed and pressed my head against the door, "No I wouldn't." I said softly.

"Oh please!"

"Liv I'm sorry!"

"Sorry for what?!"

"Mainly hating Parker." I mumbled.

"What'd he do to you?"

I could tell her right now how I really felt...or I could change the subject!

"That's not important, just please let me hold you!"

I could hear her eye roll.

"I'm sorry for being so flirty." I whispered.

"Do you want to come in?" She asked.


She opened up the door and ushered me in.

"Liv I'm sorry."

"You're such an idiot Noah!" She laughed then walked out of the bathroom and locked the door behind her.

"LET ME OUT!!!" I screamed.

I could hear her laughing, "Noah is it ok if I have some guys over?"


"Oppp too late!" She snickered.

I could hear male voices entering the room.

I sat in the shower trying to think of a way out.

I started to not be able to take it, so I kicked at the door. "Ugh break already."

As soon as the door hit the floor Liv was up, standing a few feet away.

I looked around the room, "Where's the guys that came over?" I grumbled.

"Noah I was just kidding, I was speaking to the guards outside about a delivery." She said shocked and quiet.

"Why'd you lock me in the bathroom."

"Cuz I needed time alone!"

"Are you ok?" I asked walking closer.

"I'm fine." She smiled then hugged me.

Before she could pull away, I locked our lips together.

I'm staying in the room right next to Liv's.

I'd been hearing strange noises all night, but now I'm hearing crashes.

I tiptoed down the hall, the guards weren't at the door. They were a while ago.

I used my room card and quietly opened up the door.

I heard panting, and a few more noises.

I stepped closer and closer until I heard something that'll never be ok in my ears, "Mmm ya, just like that." It was Liv and she was doing the forbidden with Noah.

Hopefully they won't see or hear me try and leave.

But of course my life isn't perfect and I tripped on a lamp, and face planted into a wall where I accidentally turned on a light.

"Wyatt?! What are you doing??" Liv screeched.

I turned around to see Noah covering Liv up with a blanket.

"I'll be going now!" I laughed sarcastically then bailed for the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2019 ⏰

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