DR incorrect quotes

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Himiko, having invited Tenko over- And this is my bedroom, aka my Isolation Station!

Fuyuhiko- It's ok I'm not mad.
Fuyuhiko, 5 minutes later- Actually die.

Kaede- At my sister's wedding, I can choose to go alone, do a 'Plus One' and bring someone with me, or do a 'Minus One' where I can boot someone off the guest list, no questions asked.
Maki- Here's a power move.
Kaede- I'm listening...
Maki- Uninvite your sister.

Nagito- I fall asleep on my stomach. Hajime plays my buttcheeks like bongos.
Hajime- I... Really don't.
Nagito- He is the jazz man. He cannot be stopped.

Mahiru- How many swords do you have?
Peko- Sword of a lot.
Mahiru- Blocked
Peko- Parried.

Kokichi says absolutely anything
Maki- You have entered the Comedy Area.

Miu- Wanna see my pussy?
Ryoma- Okay I guess
Miu spreads her legs and removes her underpants
Ryoma- That's your vagina. I want to see a cat.
Miu- I don't have a cat.

Kaede- I've never had a nightmare before and want to know what it's like. Any help?
Kiyo- Sure! See you tonight!
Rantaro- That very sentence is absolutely terrifying.

Himiko- Who's the blacksmith out there moulding titty armour to all strong females more accurately than a bra fitter?
Tenko- Tis I, the Titty Smithy!

Rantaro- This one time, my parents argued because my dad bought a bald cap for $2.70 but he was already bald.

Shuichi- So I found out that I'm amazing at escape rooms.
Hajime- Explain?
Shuichi- Turns out if you have a panic attack in the corner they let you out early.

Leon- You can never lose an argument if you say "shut up, nerd" at the end.
Makoto- Yes you can!
Leon- Shut up, nerd!

Kaede- People who sleep without socks on worry me.
Shuichi- People who sleep WITH socks on are not to be trusted!
Tenko, not having slept for 3 days and only barely awake due to chugging 5 Monsters- People who sleep are weird.
Kokichi- I was a sock once.

Ibuki- I love how the devil went down to Georgia, because it implies that one, the devil is a northerner, or TWO, that Georgia is lower than hell.

Himiko- You call it "really bad at darts", I call it freestyle acupuncture.
Kirumi- I'm going to ask you to leave.

Himiko, with her arm in a sling- It's national sex day but the only thing I'm fucking is stupid.

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