Dumb shit Pooyos.

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Tee- Don't do that, Ess.
Ess, already standing on the McDonalds counter and reaching for the ice cream machine-

Jay- Look, I know Elle! She doesn't just stand there and scream helplessly, she makes other people do that!

Ecolo is microwaving a glove
Ecolo- I'm making a call out post on my Twitter.com, Maguro!

In a Bed, Bath, and Beyond
Schezo- Found the bed,
Schezo- Found the bath...
Schezo- ...
Schezo- Where's the beyond-
Maguro, gutting him with a spork- WhY DoN't YoU fInD oUt?

Maguro, after a breakup- It's over, I don't think I'll ever be happy aga-
Sig- You still got me!
Maguro- No, I mean someone who makes me feel better!
Sig- I can make you feel better, I- I'll suck your dick!

Ringo- Has anyone ever told you that you look like Beyonce?
Raffina- No, but I get told I look like Raffina!
Ringo- Who's th-
Raffina- Me, bitch.

Klug, burying a mummified Raffina alive- It's MY funeral and I get to choose who gets buried!
Raffina- *muffled screaming*

Risukuma- It's soup time.
Ringo- Open those kneecaps so we can have some soup.
Risukuma- alright. Breaks open knees and opens kneecaps
Ringo and Maguro drink the knee soup.
Maguro- Thank you for the plentiful feast.
Ringo- What is wrong with us?
Maguro- I don't know. I think that once we tasted the knee soup we could never go back.
Risukuma- Yeah, probably.

Tee- I hate that the sentence "Mummies are rare because we ate them" is factually correct.
Raffina- Excuse me, but WHAT?
Tee- I am SO glad that I get to be the one that introduces you to the horrible few hundred years where Europeans regularly consumed ground up Egyptian mummies.

Mrs Accord- We really need you to pay 20000 dollars this year, sorry, but that's as low as I can make it.
Arle- What if I play the tuba?
Popoi- lmao that's fucking sick we can give you sixty percent off!

Rulue- Your vibes, m'lord...
Satan- Check them for me, court jester.
Faint jingling, followed by a loud thud.

Arle- Good morning, cruel world.
Rulue- Don't you mean goodbye?
Arle- No! This world may be cruel but I'm still kickin'.

Risukuma- Yeah, I guess you can call me woke. In fact, I haven't slept in days.

Amitie walks in on Ringo
Amitie- Oh good, you're not busy!
Ringo, applying juggalo makeup to her own face- Actually, Amitie, I am busy!

Ess- I don't need a stress ball, I have my own ass to squeeze!

Maguro, over the phone to Tee- Oh my god, Risukuma is getting arrested for that army of rats he snuck into school!
Maguro- Apparently, to "wreak havoc", and also to, AND I QUOTE, "Kill that dirty bourgeoise asshole principal".

In a groupchat
Schezo- Capitalizing every word in a sentence is vomit - inducing.
Ess- Enjoy Your Trip To Puke Land, Boy!
Arle- I fucking love you all.

Amitie- Wanna hear a joke?
Feli- Meh, I'm more into dark humor.
Amitie turns the lights off
Amitie- knock knock.

Tee(radio voice)- This is Apollo 11 to Houston, the moon is gay. I repeat, the moon is gay.
Audible cheering from all.

Sig- Hot hot hot hot chocolate.


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Ringo- Disrespect me again and I'll calculate your body's resonant frequency and play a jaunty horn solo that boils your miserable organs inside out!

Arle, to Ess- Amitie has a very strange patchwork of knowledge. It's anyone's guess as to what she knows about any given topic. Watch.
Arle, a bit louder- Hey Amitie, who built St. Basil's Cathedral?
Amitie- Ivan Vasilyevich, the first Tsar of Russia ordered it to be built in 1554, why?
Arle- Okay, now in which city is it?
Amitie- *groans* I don't know, Austria or something!

Maguro- You know, bisexuality isn't that hard to understand. Guys are cute, girls are cute. What more do you want from me?
Risukuma- I want your wallet.
Ringo starts laughing uncontrollably.

Ecolo- Welcome to mcdawnalds, do you want a phucking beezechurger?
Ex- Please, I just want to see my wife again...
Ex starts crying

Ringo- Oh, to be a small clothed animal in a Beatrix Potter book, living in a house in the countryside kneading bread and such.
Amitie- The dream.

Sig is on a boat with a rainbow sail
Klug- Why is the boat gay?

Sig- Being in love isn't always soft and romantic and tender. Sometimes it's pushing your girlfriend's face away, yelling because you have viral bronchitis but she keeps trying to kiss you while knowing it because she's a dumbass with no sense of self-preservation whatsoever.
Sig- Update: Raffina got bronchitis! You'll never guess how!

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