Chapter 2: All Packed and Ready To Go!

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Two Days Later:

Sauli's POV:

I zipped up my suitcase and took one last look around the master bedroom, to make sure that neither Adam or I had forgotten anything for our trip. I was about to leave the room and put my luggage in the car, when I remembered something else that I needed!

My locket!

I ran over to my dresser and opened a small jewelry box that I had gotten as a wedding present from my mom. I pulled out the necklace and put it around my neck. Adam had given it to me when he proposed. It was a heart shaped gold locket with diamonds that formed a smaller heart on the front and back of it. And inside the heart of diamonds, there was a small message engraved in it on either side. The message on the front said Saulbert Forever. I remember laughing a little at that, since he used our ship name. The message on the back said My Eternal Soulmate, My Eternal Love. I opened it up and inside were two pictures, both of Adam and I. On one side, it was a photo of us on the night we met. On the other side, it was a photo that we added later of us on our wedding day. We were sharing our first kiss as a married couple. Thinking of that day still brings happy tears to my eyes.

"Pharoah, get back here!" I heard Adam say from downstairs. "We have to go!" I could hear our dog's claws scraping against the hardwood floor as he ran and I heard Adam's footsteps running after him. Pharoah probably thought it was time to play. I chuckled as I brought my bag downstairs.

I arrived in the kitchen to find my husband and Pharoah both trying to catch their breath. Adam was sitting on the floor against the wall with his head back, almost panting as hard as the dog, while the canine was lying on his side with his tongue out. Pharoah suddenly went up to Adam and started licking his face, making him laugh.

Pharoah realized at that point that I was in the room with them and ran over to me, trying to jump up my leg. He must have also realized that he wasn't getting very far by jumping, being a small dog, because he sat down at my feet, looked up at me, and started whimpering.

"Oh alright." I said as I scooped him up into my arms to hold him. "Come here you."

I went over to help Adam get up. He looked at me like I had performed some kind of miracle by getting Pharoah to come to me.

"I give you the simple task of getting him in his carrier and you, of course, turn it into a game." I said, smiling.

"I swear, that dog loves you more than me now," He said, taking my outstretched hand and standing up. "And I'm the one who adopted him in the first place!"

"That's because I pamper and baby him more." I told him as I scratched Pharoah behind the ears, causing him to look up at me and lick my face. "Isn't that right boy?"

"Alright Sauli, that's enough pampering and babying the dog for now." Adam said, shaking his head with a smile. "We have to get going."

Adam laughed at my attempt to match the look Pharoah was giving us as he took him from my arms. He leaned in and kissed the pout right off of my lips.

"Oh alright." I agreed. "If you insist."

I helped Adam get Pharoah into his carrier and placed him by the front door. We would let him out of it once we got on the road. I looked over at my husband and saw that he was on the couch, nodding off.

"Adam, what's wrong?" I asked, still smiling and trying to joke around with him. "Did running after Pharoah get you tired?"

He looked at me with tired eyes.

"No, it's not that." He said hesitantly, as if he were scared to tell me something. "It's something else."

"Then what is it?" I asked, confused now. He looked down at his lap. Then, it dawned on me. I looked at him again in concern. "The nightmare again?"

"Y-Yes." He stammered shamefully. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes. I walked over, sat down next to him on the couch and just held him as he started to cry again. I stroked his hair, kissed his cheek, and started to rock him like one would do with a baby. I knew it helped to calm him down.

"Baby, it's okay." I said in a comforting voice. "You're okay."

"I-I'm s-sorry!" He said, trying to stop crying. "I-I should have t-told you, I j-just didn't know how!

"You have nothing to be sorry about. But you were doing so well last night, and the night before when you told me about it." I said, confused. "You didn't wake up at all after you told me that night or the night after. What changed?"

"A-Actually I had it again last night." He admitted, the tears starting to stop. "I was trying to keep it under control so I wouldn't wake you up again. The night before was different, I didn't have it again because I knew you were there to hold me and keep me close."

"You should have told me anyway." I told him, "Remember what I said two nights ago, I love you and I would never judge you or call you crazy."

"I know." He said, "I just didn't want to be a burden."

"Oh Adam," I said, taking his hand and kissing the back of it. "You would never be a burden. Telling me about your dream would help me help you."

"Okay." He said, finally looking at me. "I understand."

I knew he didn't want to talk about it anymore, but I had to ask him this.

"You know how you told me that in each nightmare that you have, there's a new detail?" I asked.

"Yes." Adam confirmed, "Why?"

"Was there anything new with last night's dream?" I inquired.

He thought about it for a moment.

"Well, there was one new thing this time." He said slowly.

"Could you tell me what it was?" I asked him.

"Both Sam and Dean Winchester were in the dream," He admitted. "As well as Cass and Jack too."

I stared at him, surprised.

"And what were they doing in your dream?" I asked him curiously.

"They were trying to help me find you." He said in a frustrated and tired voice. "Look Sauli, I really don't want to talk about this anymore. It brings back the bad memories of the nightmare. Could we talk about it later?"

"Of course babe." I said, not wanting to push for more information. I looked at the clock. Oh crap, it's 10:00 am. We should have left an hour ago. I thought frantically.

"Adam, honey." I said quickly. "Are you all packed and ready to go? We're running late and we want to get on the road before traffic gets really bad."

"Yes, I'm packed." He said, smiling at me. "And before you ask me if I still want to go like you did yesterday and earlier today, yes we are still going. I know you're only trying to help me, but I promise you, I'm fine. So stop worrying so much. I love you baby."

I looked at my husband and smiled back at him.

"I'll try, but I'm your husband, it's my job to worry." I said, going up to kiss him. "I love you too Adam.

After we got our last few suitcases and bags in the car, we put Pharoah on the floor of the front passenger side of the car. We made sure that we had plenty of food for the trip. Then we got in the car, started the engine, and began the 17 hour drive to Astoria, Oregon.



Thank you for reading! It means a lot. If anyone is wondering why I chose Astoria for Adam and Sauli's camping trip, it's because one of my favorite movies, The Goonies, was filmed there. My family and I once drove through Astoria and my dad showed me some of the areas that they used for the movie. Anyways, thanks again for reading and remember to vote, comment, and share!


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