Chapter 4: Setting Up Camp!

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Adam's POV:

We made it to the KOA campground just as the sun was setting.

Phew, I thought we'd never make it. I thought with a small laugh. But, then again, I always think that every year.

Sauli and I started to unpack our tent, along with unloading our other various camping necessities from the car. I looked over at the campsite next to us, and much to my amazement, there were Alison, Samantha, and Alina, the girls we met at the gas station. I guess we jinxed ourselves by saying we might be campsite neighbors. But in a good way, of course. They saw me and waved. I waved back, then pulled Sauli from the area where we had laid out the tent, pointing at them to try to get him to see them. He and I had been trying to read the instructions when I had gotten distracted by seeing the girls. He looked at me, slightly annoyed, until he looked over and saw them. He got a big, goofy looking grin on his face as he too waved at them. Alison made her way over to us.

"Hey guys," She greeted with a smile. "Need some help with your tent? It'll go up faster with more people working on it."

"Well, shouldn't you be working on your--oh." I said, just noticing that their tent and most of their gear were already set up. They must have beaten us here somehow, even though we left the gas station at the same time. I laughed nervously. "Um, sure, that would be great."

Both Sauli and Alison laughed at my dumbfounded look.

"Excuse me, you two!" I said sarcastically, putting my hands on my hips and strutting away from them. "This diva does not appreciate being laughed at! Especially by his husband."

They stared after me while giggling, so I looked over my shoulder at Sauli, winked, and blew him a kiss.

This only earned more laughter. It got to the point where Sauli actually collapsed in a fit of uncontrollable laughter. That's when I lost it too. I went over to help him up, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me down with him so we were both lying in the dirt.

"Okay, Sauli, you asked for it!" I said with a sly grin as I started to tickle his sides, making him start squirming while laughing, trying to get away from me, but I managed to hold him down. "Nobody, and I mean nobody, laughs at someone this fabulous. And you got my clothes, and most likely my hair, dirty too, so consider this payback!"

"A-Alright A-Adam, you w-win!" He stuttered in between giggles. "I-I can't b-breathe! S-Stop!"

I finally quit tickling him and we looked into each others eyes, breathing heavily. He cupped my cheek with his hand, pulled me closer, and crashed his lips to mine. Our lips moved in sync and the kisses got very heated and passionate after a few seconds. We actually forgot we had company until we heard the snap of a camera flash from one of their phones. We tore apart and looked at the girls in shock as they took another picture.

I glared at them, feigning anger.

"You girls better start helping us with our tent," I told them. "Otherwise it'll be payback time for the three of you as well!"

All three of them gasped in mock horror as they ran off to help us with the tent while I helped Sauli up off the ground. He looked at me and looked at me and smirked.

"What?" I ask with a smile, still out of breath from our make out session.

"You and I both know that I'm going to get you back for that, right?" He said, smirking still. "You're not getting off that easily."

"Yes, I know," I reply, pecking his lips again. "But, you and I also both know that I'll be ready to defend myself."

He chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2019 ⏰

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