Lisa's POV
"Chaeng, wait for me here. I'm just gonna assist grandma to her house, okay?" I asked Chaeyoung then she nodded, I cupped her cheeks then gave her another forehead kiss which made the two of us blush. "This is gonna be quick."
I pulled back and ran back to grandma who is walking slowly towards her house. Grandma nudged me in my shoulder when I went beside her. "I saw that." Then grandma chuckled, making me blush more.
"Court her, will you?" Grandma suggested. I just playfully rolled my eyes at her. I will, grandma but not now. Soon, maybe. Her heart might not take it if I started courting her now. I answered in my mind, as if grandma can hear it.
After grandma went in her house, I ran back to the car fast. These long legs are a bit useful, don't you think? I opened the car and saw Chaeng listening to music using her phone. ILYSB by Lany met my ears.
She paused the music when she noticed that I'm already here. She looked up and smiled. "You're sweating." She said then she took out a handkerchief from her hospital gown and started wiping my sweat which made me blush.
She even ruffled my bangs and we both laughed. I turned my back around her and bended my legs a little. "Hop on." I'm gonna give her a piggy back ride. I can't do the bridal style carry because I'm not that strong.
Seconds later, Chaeng's arms are already wrapped around my neck and her legs wrapped around my waist which made me blush a little because ermmm... I can feel her private part behind my back.
I put my hands on her butt and stood up then I started walking. Her head is resting on my nape and it even made me blush more.
"Do you have my key?" Chaeng's warm breath met my skin which sent chills down my spine.
"Yeah, it's in my pocket." Chaeng's arm let go of my neck and her hand went to the pocket of my shorts. She took it out and quickly unlocked the door.
I slowly went up the stairs, scared that I might let go of Chaeyoung if I went fast. I put her down in her bed and I sat on a chair near it. Woooh! Glad that was over. I'm exhausted, I keep catching my breath.
"Thanks." Chaeng said, sincerely with a genuine smile on her face. I gave her my brightness smile and said, "Anything for you, love." Then she blushed and avoided her gaze. Such a cutie.
"Can you help me one more time before you go?" asked Chaeyoung, still avoiding eye contact. She started playing with her hair using her finger, twirling her hair around it.
"Sure!" I beamed and went to her. "What is it?" I asked then Chaeng turned redder. What's wrong with her? Her heart might explode!
"Can you get me a shirt and a shorts?" She asked. I nodded happily and went to her closet. As I opened the closet, Chaeng asked, "And can you help me change my clothes?" I stopped what I was doing and my heart quicken its beat. Did I hear her right?
I turned around to face her. Her cheeks are red as a tomato by now. Her hands are on her chest, patting it slowly to calm her down. I did hear her right. Oh God. Help me, Lord.
I turned my head back on the closet. "S-sure." I stuttered. Oh. My. God. I'm really doing it? Heart, damn it! Calm down! You've seen tons of a girl's body before! So why are you so nervous?!
I took out a white shirt that has red words that says "LOVE ALWAYS WIN" plastered on it. What a cute shirt. And took out a a plain black shorts.
I nervously went to Chaeyoung, my hands are trembling. I swear, I might break the hangers at this point. I sat beside her and coughed nervously.
We are both avoiding eye contact so it tells me that Chaeng is nervous too. I brought up my feet to the bed and started moving towards Chaeyoung's back, walking with my knees.
I nervously touched the ribbon of the hospital gown and pulled it slowly. I think I'm gonna choke because of nervousness. Once I pulled all of the ribbons, it revealed me Chaeng's flawless back. It was so white that I'm starting to think that Chaeng's just pretending to be sick and she's a real vampire. I mentally slapped myself. Vampires aren't real, self! Get yourself together, hoe! You can do this.
Good thing she's wearing a bra. I can see her bra strap... I THINK I'M GONNA FUCKING FAINT. I can't breathe! Help! Calm your fucking hormones down, Lalisa Manoban!
Chaeng helped me with taking the hospital gown off her. Once we took it off completely, I was left dumbstruck. Even if she's sick, she still have abs. What the fuck?! HOW?!
I stared at her body from her neck down to her legs. I gulped. Is it just me or is it getting hotter here? I looked up again because I saw something on her chest. There's a scar. Did she do a surgery when she was a kid?
"Lisa... stop staring." Chaeng said which made me snap out of my mind. "Sorry, I was just curious how you got that scar and how you have abs." My nervousness died a little, rather I became sad.
I turned around to get the shirt and shorts behind me. "When I was 14, I started working out because they said that it will help my heart. It did help but when I was 19, I had a heart attack and got operated on." She put her arms up and I quickly put her shirt on her.
All I could say was "Oh" because I don't know what to say. I stood up with the shorts on my hand and snaked my arms around her waist and helped her stand up. I kneeled down, Chaeng's hands are on my shoulders to support her.
I quickly put her shorts on her and I took both of her hands on mine and stood up. Our face are just inches apart. I looked down at her lips and gulped. Not this scene again. I looked up and caught her staring at my lips too.
Then my phone started ringing. Thank God! Saved by the ringtone! I helped her sit down and took out my phone and quickly accepted the call.
"Lisa, where are you?" Jennie unnie's voice was heard on the other line.
"I'm in Chaeng's house. Why?" I glanced at Chaeyoung and she's looking at me, curious of who I am talking to.
"Because we're in front of your house!" Jisoo unnie said then I quickly ran to Chaeng's window and indeed, they are there.
Great, they're gonna meet Chaeyoung sooner or later anyways.

Escape ❥ chaelisa
FanfictionPark Roseanne or Park Chaeyoung ❥ The girl who thinks that life is unfair, that life sucks, that life's a bitch. I mean, who wouldn't think about things like that if you were in her place? She's been sick all her life and she just wants to be normal...